[Dean] [英英] 打造 完美版 朗文 LDOCE6 v2024.02.02

age中to to的问题并非孤例……事实上,这个问题在Amazon的原版MDX中就存在,而且不止to to,原版MDX中还存在300多处类似的两个词前后重复的情况,修复时需要一一甄别,不能简单粗暴替换了事

再比如,Call a spade a spade


4 个赞

朗文app词条age中也是如此“…living to to the age…”。这里版主d大帮官方指错,f大修改,是在给官方改过。

2024.01.02 修复afternoon、age的bug
修复部分单词前后重复出现的bug(按,age词条下 to to 就属于此类bug)。渐次修复,没法一步到位,还望谅解

3 个赞

Oxford 10
call a spade a spade

  1. to say exactly what you think without trying to hide your opinion是啥说啥;直言不讳
  • I believe in calling a spade a spade.我笃信直言不讳,实话实说。


请问用什么去搜索能找到这300+重复情况? 我看看能否把这些放到一起.
就算不能, 下次看到新的类似的时候可以比对是否是这300里面的

对的 , 我还是在Amazon的原版上面通读, 找到的bug基本上New版本也有.

更加奇怪,应该说惊喜但是,这个240102版在深蓝词典上用Alternate文件夹里的css和js(默认的这两个文件测试,出除look at外,还是全有问题)测试,居然原先的所有问题都荡然无存——look at (该短语动词跟欧陆词典一样,全量显示), age (①to to; ②重叠问题), ago (…at/in/fifteen years ago), congflagration (重叠问题),简直神了!
PS 测试(点击…)了about (adv)的approximately ( ► see THESAURUS at APPROXIMATELY),仍然不能跳转至approximately。

1.02版本把Alternate外面的原版CSS也替换成Ziauddin版CSS了, 内外都一样了.

我在Windows+欧路是正常跳转的, 你用的什么软件和系统?

正则搜索 ([^<]*) \1 ,去重后排除无意义重复一条,得到357个结果,如下所示:

 $ $ 
 % % 
 - - 
 - I mean - I mean 
 . . 
 ... ... 
 / / 
 1 1 
 2 X 2 X 
 3 3 
 4 x 4 x 
 6 and 6 and 
 6-0, 6-0, 
 7 7 
 8 by 8 by 
 A a 
 A. A. 
 Antibodies Antibodies 
 Baden Baden 
 Bug Bug 
 Capers Capers 
 Chris Chris 
 Christmas Christmas 
 Communication with Computers Communication with computers 
 Corrective Action Corrective action 
 Cous cous 
 Dee Dee 
 Disinfection Disinfection 
 Eating Eating 
 Egocentrism Egocentrism 
 Excavation Excavation 
 Exmoor Exmoor 
 Figure 6.4 Figure 6.4 
 Geminis Geminis 
 Global aphasia Global aphasia 
 Grass Grass 
 Ha Ha 
 Hardware Hardware 
 Hip, hip, 
 Home Home 
 I I 
 I i 
 I knew, I knew, 
 I. I. 
 Information Information 
 Iron Iron 
 J. J. 
 K K 
 Knowledge Knowledge 
 Large, Large, 
 Mary, Mary, 
 Media Media 
 Membership Membership 
 My, my, 
 Never Never 
 Ninety Ninety 
 No, no, 
 Parasites Parasites 
 Productivity Productivity 
 R. R. 
 Response Times Response times 
 S S 
 Sing Sing 
 Socialist Realism Socialist realism 
 Something something 
 Sugar Sugar 
 Symptoms Symptoms 
 Timber Timber 
 Tin Tin 
 Ton Ton 
 Twinkle, Twinkle, 
 Twinkle, twinkle, 
 Veal and Calf Veal and calf 
 Volcanoes Volcanoes 
 Wulfhere Wulfhere 
 Yo Yo 
 ` ` 
 a a 
 a spade a spade 
 a strip a strip 
 about about 
 about editorial about editorial 
 admissions Admissions 
 after after 
 after mile after mile 
 again and again and 
 ageism Ageism 
 almighty almighty 
 an an 
 an hour, an hour, 
 and and 
 and his and his 
 and knotted and knotted 
 and lots and lots 
 and more and more 
 and round and round 
 anything/would give anything/would give 
 apparent apparent 
 application forms Application forms 
 are are 
 artwork artwork 
 as as 
 at at 
 be be 
 been been 
 before reaching before reaching 
 belt, belt, 
 beri beri 
 bet/it's a sure bet/it's a sure 
 beware, beware, 
 biː biː 
 blah blah 
 blah, blah, 
 bonnie bonnie 
 boom, boom, 
 boys, good boys, good 
 brass brass 
 breathe, breathe, 
 bufo bufo 
 bunga bunga 
 but but 
 but... but... 
 cackle cackle 
 can can 
 cha cha 
 charcoal Charcoal 
 chomp, chomp, 
 clearinghouses Clearinghouses 
 click, click, 
 come in, come in, 
 competition Competition 
 conflict Conflict 
 corner to corner to 
 dancer, just a dancer, just a 
 deep deep 
 descriptions Descriptions 
 details details 
 door to door to 
 down, down, 
 drip, drip, 
 dry, dry, 
 duh duh 
 education, education, 
 eh, eh, 
 eight eight 
 embrace it embrace it 
 employees Employees 
 endorsement Endorsement 
 es es 
 ever, ever, 
 ever, for ever, for 
 eɪ eɪ 
 far far 
 far, far, 
 fifty fifty 
 flat flat 
 flour beetles Flour beetles 
 for Literature for Literature 
 for for 
 fossils Fossils 
 from from 
 gaining, gaining, 
 gap Gap 
 general, a general, a 
 girl girl 
 going, going, 
 good good 
 good offices good offices 
 government Government 
 great great 
 ha ha 
 had had 
 hand in hand in 
 has has 
 hated him, hated him, 
 have have 
 he was he was 
 he was hot, he was hot, 
 head, head, 
 held held 
 her her 
 higher and higher and 
 hip hip 
 hip, hip, 
 his his 
 hot hot 
 house to house to 
 ideas ideas 
 if ... if ... 
 immediate repeat immediate repeat 
 in in 
 in or walk in or walk 
 information Information 
 into into 
 is done is done 
 is is 
 is past is past 
 it it 
 know, I know, I 
 lack of something/for lack of something/for 
 leaves, leaves, 
 less and less and 
 leucine Leucine 
 like - like - 
 like to like to 
 location, location, 
 longer, longer, 
 looking, looking, 
 management Management 
 me me 
 me, me, 
 mercy, mercy, 
 mile after mile after 
 miles and miles and 
 most most 
 must, I must, I 
 mysterious mysterious 
 nerves and nerves and 
 never never 
 never, never, 
 no, no, 
 not not 
 of of 
 of polling because of polling because 
 off and on, off and on, 
 off/far off/far 
 on and on and 
 on on 
 one one 
 only only 
 or milk or milk 
 or or 
 or she was in the or she was in the 
 over and over and 
 peace, sit at peace, sit at 
 phenol-chloroform extraction Phenol-chloroform extraction 
 plonk, plonk, 
 poop poop 
 pot to pot, pot to pot, 
 pounds pounds 
 primary care Primary care 
 psychotherapy Psychotherapy 
 public relations Public relations 
 pull and pull and 
 pulling pulling 
 punched punched 
 purchases Purchases 
 pushed and pushed and 
 puss, puss, 
 quick, quick, 
 quiet quiet 
 r ... r ... 
 raises raises 
 really really 
 reconciliation Reconciliation 
 right right 
 roll after roll after 
 rose is a rose is a 
 round and round and 
 row, row, 
 ruff ruff ruff ruff ruff ruff ruff ruff 
 running, running, 
 said said 
 same same 
 sb sb 
 schizophrenia Schizophrenia 
 school to school to 
 schools were schools were 
 scour, scour, 
 second to second to 
 see see 
 sell, sell, 
 selling Selling 
 shape/be out of shape/be out of 
 she did she did 
 shuffle, shuffle, 
 side to side to 
 singles, women's singles, women's 
 siː siː 
 slowly, slowly, 
 smaller and smaller and 
 smith smith 
 softly, softly, 
 somebody somebody 
 south south 
 speech Speech 
 standards Standards 
 start start 
 stringent stringent 
 surprise, surprise, 
 take take 
 tat-tat, tat-tat, 
 technical barriers Technical barriers 
 tell, tell, 
 that that 
 the door, the door, 
 the red carpet the red carpet 
 the the 
 their their 
 then the next, then the next, 
 they are mentioned they are mentioned 
 they are present they are present 
 they are they are 
 they vote and they vote and 
 this is this is 
 thud, thud, 
 thump thump 
 thunk thunk 
 time to time to 
 tiː tiː 
 to day to day 
 to have to have 
 to help to help 
 to see you, to see you, 
 to to 
 to/get to/get 
 towards towards 
 type type 
 unemployment Unemployment 
 unrest among would-be emigrants Unrest among would-be emigrants 
 up and down, up and down, 
 up and up and 
 up down up down 
 up up 
 up, and up, and 
 up, shut up, shut 
 up, up, 
 upper upper 
 us us 
 very very 
 vinaigrette Vinaigrette 
 visions visions 
 wah wah 
 wait, and wait, and 
 wait, wait, 
 waiting, waiting, 
 war, the war, the 
 was was 
 wearing wearing 
 well, well, 
 went went 
 what what 
 when you when you 
 where, where, 
 which which 
 wickedly wickedly 
 with with 
 worse and worse and 
 would would 
 wrong, wrong, 
 x 4' x 4' 
 yada yada 
 yeah, yeah, 
 you got you got 
 you you 
 young Young 
 your your 

1 个赞


2 个赞


原来正则还能这么用, 怪我太弱了.

原版的CSS只有10kb, 现在百度云外面的CSS还是Ziauddin版本的CSS, 是不是百度云有延迟, 或者什么bug?
如果是的话我们是不是应该放弃百度云, 用论坛的分享?


1 个赞


这是某些词条正文里面的collocation ,不是tab里面的collocation ,是正常的,不是bug

1 个赞


  1. 能否出一个修正了全部错误,但仅基于Amazon版词头的版本?Amazon版有52749个词头,您的版本有354611个词头,多出的部分是为了方便查询而增加的,其中很多词头读者不太可能查询的,比如€,:heart:,– not!等。当然这样设计有人喜欢,有人可能不喜欢。提供多样化的产品选择就好。
  2. 能否处理word sets冗余的问题,尽量减小mdx体积?aBenL在这个帖子里提到这个问题,可以考虑把所有的word sets设为词条,然后在相关词头内设置跳转即可。

第一点我一直在犹豫要不要做, 似乎大部分用6enen的都会直接用Frank的new版本有动词索引的, 用Amazon的人不多, 我自己是唯一一个, 你是我看到的第二个目前. 看后面时间精力吧, 但是也不知道是猴年马月.
update: 1L已经更新, 欢迎大家下载使用测试, 并反馈bug

第二点我肯定不会做, 1, 我水平不够, 不想大改, 即使是高手大改肯定引进新bug, 别说是我了. 简单修修小bug是可以的. 我更看重无bug(或者少bug), 而不是新功能. 况且我从来没用过那个功能
2, 150MB的mdx即使是缩小到了100MB, 我觉得没什么区别. 为了这50MB, 花时间精力, 还要大量的人力测试, 我个人觉得不值. 不过Frank的new版本可以考虑做这个(如果他感兴趣的话), 毕竟现在一直在维护中.

动词索引很多时候查找起来确实很方便, 我现在两个词典一起用, 虽然内容绝大部分是一样的, 还是以Amazon为主.