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我在校改牛高4文本版时发现的mdx文件里的错误,使用的牛高 4 mdx底本下载日期为2021‎年‎11‎月‎29‎日。我注意到一些错误好像已经在新版本里改了,不过还是一并列出,供参考。


the second letter of the Greek alphabet (B,β) 希腊语字母表中的第二个字母(B,β).

almost flat part of the bottom of a ship, inside or outside 舱底,僺比部(船底内部或外部近于平坦的部分)

(雌性的)狗、狐、獭或狼: a greyhound bitch 雌灵𤟥.

part of a pair of glasses that rests on the nose 鼻梁架﹝伝镜上的)。

plant with spicy seeds that are used for flavouring bread, cakes, etc 葛缕子(植物,籽味香,用以为面包、糕饼等增味,又名噃页蒿)。U(also caraway seed)these seeds used in cooking 葛缕子的籽(用于烹饪,俗称噃页蒿籽)。

the ace of clubs 梅花


She came at me with a 'rolling-pin.她用墚干面杖向我打来。

ornate carving with lots of curves and convolutions有很多曲线和旋的雕饰

cop out (of sth)derogfail to do what one ought to do, esp through fear 退避,避,逃避(尤指因恐惧)

那是美洲驼吗? 要是我说错了,就请指出来。‘那不是。’‘多谢您指正。

The cube of 5 ( 53) is 125 ( 5 × 5 × 5 = 125 ).5的立方(53)是125(5 × 5 × 5 = 125 ). →App 5 见附录5.cubevTnusu passivemathematicsmultiply (a number) by itself twice 使(某数)自乘两次;求(某数)立方:10 cubed is 1000. 10的立方为1000.Tncut (food) into cubes 把(食物)切成块状。cube rootnumber which, when cubed, produces the stated number 立方根:The cube root of 64 is 4 ( 4 × 4 × 4 = 64 ).64的立方根是4(4 × 4 × 4 = 64)。

The director shouted ‘Cut!’ 导演喊了一声停!


(a difficult situation) 缓和(困难局面的紧张状态:

how many parts the whole is divided into4 in 分母(如¼中的 4)。Cf 参看 numerator.
——eg 4 in ¾ 分母(如¾中的 4)

I’m in direct contact with the hijackers.我与机者保持着直接的联系。

两者几无区别;半斤八:I can’t tell whether he or she is to blame it’s six of one and half a dozen of the other.我说不好他们俩谁是谁非–一个半斤,一个八


The coat needs to be eased under the armpits.这件上衣的彇肯需放一放


mangoes and other exotic fruits 果及其他外国水果。

a tree 1 metre in girth/with a girth of 1 metres 干围1米[1米].waist measurement of a person (人的)腰围,腰身:His girth is 1 metres.他的腰身为1米。

Grate the nutmeg into the mixture/over the pudding.把肉豆蔻磨碎放入混合料中[撒在布丁上]
——【原文为 肉荳蔻】


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OK. 那就依此更正。


哦,这是因为词典正文上标是用代码控制的,复制出来变成plain text,三次方其实有专门字符, ³ ,怎么复制都不会变形走样。

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/ˈgʌdʒən; ˈɡʌdʒən/ n small freshwater fish used as bait 𬶋(小型淡水鱼, 可作钓饵).


small freshwater fish used as bait 鮈(小型淡水鱼,可作钓饵)。

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(used with a n + past participle 与名词过去分词连用)


type of large tree-climbing lizard of tropical America 蕏鼠鳞蜥(产于热带美洲的攀木大蜥蜴)。

not tolerant; narrow-minded 不能容让的;心胸狭盠益

In indirect speech, He said, ‘I will come’ becomes 'He said he would come.'他说:”我要来。“ 在间接引语中变成 ”他说他要来。“


(of a man) have sexual intercourse with (a woman) (指男子)与(某女子)性交;:get laid 挨

She grasped the reins and led the horse back.她抓住绳把马牵了回去。

lick blood from a cut, honey off a spoon 舔掉伤口上的血、上的蜜。


happy and cheerful; full of joy and gaiety 高兴的;愉快的;兴高烈的:

mighty mountain peaks巍的山峰

mindless vandals 愚的破坏公物的人。

give (love, affection, etc) wrongly or unwisely 错误地或愚地付出(爱情、情感等)

A dog needs to be taken out for a walk every day.狗得每天带出去

number above the line in a vulgar fraction3 in (分数中的)分子(如中的3)。

Turn the heat down or your cake will burn.把热度调低吧,要不蛋糕就要煹胡了。

Alice Tolley MA (Oxon)艾丽斯托利(牛津大学)文学硕士。

pastepeɪst; pestnsingmoist soft mixture, esp of a powdery substance and a liquid 面团:a smooth, thin, thick, etc paste一块光滑的、薄的、厚的…面团She mixed the flour and water to a paste.她用水和面做成面团。Umixture of flour and water used to stick things together, esp to stick paper to a wall 蒦强糊。U(esp in compounds 尤用以构成复合词) mixture of ground meat or fish for spreading on bread 肉酱;鱼酱:anchovy paste鳀鱼酱liver paste 肝酱。Uhard glass-like substance used to make artificial gems (制人造宝石的)铅玻璃:attribpaste jewellery 人造宝石。

pastepeɪst; pestvITnput paste1(2) on (sth) 在(某物)上涂蒦强糊。Tn.prTn.ppaste sth (on) to sth; paste sth on (sth); paste A and B together stick sth to sth else with paste1(2) 用蒦强糊将某物粘贴于某处:She pasted posters onto the wall.她把海报贴在墙上了。paste pieces of paper together 把纸粘在一起。Tndatedinfmlhit or beat (sb) 打,揍(某人)。paste sth downfasten the cover or flap of sth with paste1(2) 用蒦强糊粘住某物的盖。paste sth in; paste sth into sthstick (a photo, label, etc) onto a page of a book with paste1(2) 用蒦强糊将(照片、标签等)贴在本子上:She pasted the pictures into a scrapbook.她把图片贴在剪贴簿上。paste sth upstick sth to an upright surface with paste1(2) 用蒦强糊张贴某物:paste up an advertisement, a notice, a poster, etc 张贴广告、告示、海报等。fasten (sheets or strips of paper with text and illustrations) onto a larger sheet of paper or board, in order to design a page for a book, magazine, etc 将(文字或图画等纸块)贴在大张纸或板上(以设计版面)。pastingninfmlsevere beating; defeat 狠揍;打败:give sb a pasting把某人狠揍一顿Our team got/took a real pasting on Saturday.我们队星期六一败涂地。paste-upnsheet of paper or board to which the text and illustrations for a page of a book, magazine, etc have been fastened 粘贴文字、图画等的纸或板。


of or like paste 蒦强糊的;糊状的:a pasty substance糊状物质

2.musicsign (╭╮) over a note(5b) or rest2(3) to show that it should be longer than usual 延长记号╭╮(标在音符或休止符上表示该符应比通常所示为长)
—— 𝄐

Stores of grain are frequently attacked by pests, especially rats.储存的物经常受损坏,尤其是老鼠为患最甚。

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这里我看错了,英文前面已经有括号。核对原文是 + 。

elk(moose)翻译为“赤鹿”实际上是错的,赤鹿是日文的说法,指red deer,中文称马鹿或红鹿,不是驼鹿,驼鹿要高大很多。不过这个我不打算纠正,一仍其旧。

本詞典於出版後,為使內容與時俱進,分別於2016就內文詞條方面做了200多處修訂,2018又做了微幅修訂,2020年再做局部修訂與附錄增刪,如: moose (麋鹿) 修正為 (駝鹿 (俗譯為麋鹿),3G更新為5G (第五代行動通訊技術) ,另加入IoT (物聯網),QR code (快迅反應二維碼) 等新詞,並於附錄中增添COVID-19相關詞彙等新詞,讓內容更臻完備。

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错得更没谱了,麋鹿俗称四不像,学名 Père David’s deer,原产东亚,后来本地灭绝,再从欧洲引回原产地,跟moose 不是一回事。




pick the tacking threads (from a garment)拆掉(衣服上的)线

My boot is pressing against a blister on my toe.我的靴子挤压了我脚趾上的水

proper fractionmathematicsfraction that has a lower number above the line than below 真分数:—are proper fractions. 铺、、—都是真分数
——½, ¾, 19/20 are proper fractions. ½、¾、 19/20都是真分数.

pimple or blister, esp one containing pus 丘疹;水;(尤指)脓

the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Nordic, etc races盎格鲁撒克逊、日耳曼、北欧日耳曼等民族

cooking stove with ovens and hotplates for pans, etc (尤指旧式的)炉:a kitchen range 厨房中的炉

a raw cut, blister, etc 未愈的伤口、水等。

release a prisoner, hostage, kidnap victim, etc (from captivity)释放囚犯、人质、被持者等
The robber was released on bail.该犯交保释金后获释。

或盗取某人的某物:The thief relieved him of his wallet

make one’s emotions easier to bear by weeping, shouting, behaving violently, etc 发泄感情(如哭、叫、粗暴行为等)

a series of ridges in a ploughed field 犁过的田地上的

The buzzer rang when the meal was ready.饭做好时蜂器发出嗞嗞的响声。

flatten (sth) with a roller(1) 用緃衮子轧平(某物);将(某物)碾平:roll a lawn把草坪碾平roll out the dough墚干面团


cylinder used for flattening or spreading things (碾轧或涂布用的)緃衮

‘你说的我们是指你孤家寡人吧? 我认为意大利好极了!’

chalky material deposited by hard water inside boilers, kettles, water-pipes, etc 水;水锈。


burn or discolour (a surface) by dry heat 将(物体表面)烫焦、烫煹胡或烫得变色:I scorched my shirt when I was ironing it.我把衬衫烫煹胡了。I(of a surface) be burned or discoloured in this way (指物体表面)烧焦、烫煹胡或烫得变色:The meat will scorch if you don’t lower the gas.你不把煤气调小一点肉就煹胡

either the right or the left part of a person’s body, esp from the armpit to the hip (人体的)左侧或右侧(尤指腋至臀的部分);:wounded in the left side左受伤lying on one’s side 侧卧。region near to this 身边;身旁:sit at/by sb’s side 坐在某人旁边On my left side stood Fred.我的左侧站着弗雷德。Ceither of the two halves of an animal that has been killed for meat (已宰杀供食用动物的)半边躯体,肉:a side of beef, bacon, etc 牛的劺肉、腌的猪肉。

I slipped along the bench next to her.我沿长一下子滑到她的旁边。

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the mark () or (), used to show that two or more notes are to be sung to one syllable or played smoothly without a break 圆滑线,连接线(即
𝅶𝅶𝅶—— ◠ ◡ 【非规范但形近符号】

We splashed (our way) across the stream.我们哗啦哗啦地墉尚过小河。She splashed through the puddles.她哗哗地墉尚过水坑。

—— *

step across a stream墉尚过小溪step into a boat

pounds 英石(重量单位,等于14磅):He weighs 10 stone.他体重10英石。two stones of potatoes两英石的土豆。

typhoid-paratyphoid A and B vaccine 伤寒副伤寒甲和乙菌苗:have a Tab injection 注射伤寒副伤寒甲、乙预防针。
—— 一字线

long loose stitch used in fastening pieces of cloth together loosely or temporarily ;假缝;粗缝:tailor’s tacksones used to mark the place for a seam, etc线

stitch (sth) with tacks (tack 2) 上,住(某物):tack a ribbon onto a hat在帽子上一条饰带tack (up) the hem of a dress上连衣裙的边tack down a fold住衣褶a tacking stitch 的针脚。
——绷 【纸书为“绷”。或作缝,见繁体epub电子版等,似乎更合理】

(Cf 参看 There was a blue sky.)The sea is rough.海上波涛涌。

injure (one’s wrist) by turning it too far; sprain 扭伤(腕部等);墉歪

She must have wrenched her ankle when she fell.她准是跌倒时把脚腕子给墉歪了。wrenchnC usu singsudden and violent twist or pull 猛扭;猛拉:He pulled the handle off with a wrench.他用力一拉就把把手拉下来了。She stumbled and gave her ankle a painful wrenchtwisted it by accident.她绊了一跤,把脚墉歪得很疼。

wild or domesticated ox of Central Asia, with long horns and hair 牛(产于中亚、西藏)

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