漢検漢字辞典(kanjipedia) 第二版 mdx (涼風青葉Ver)

For those who are studying Japanese Kanji of Kanken(漢検, Japan Kanji Aptitude Test), I made my own MDX for 漢検漢字辞典!

Sorry for my poor Chinese language skills, so I decided to write the post in English.


Download Link:


  1. Image characters in Kanjipedia are perfectly converted into copiable text.
  2. You can even search those characters directly, which can’t be done in Kanjipedia website. (ex: 鱈)
  3. You can search words by kanji or hiragana directly. However, the words which contain one single kanji character, can’t be searched directly. Instead, you can find that word from 「X」から始まる言葉 or search in “hiragana【kanji】” format.

I am happy to study Chinese character and Kanji with GoldenDict every day and always appreciate you guys for sharing good dictionaries here.

I decided to upload my own created MDX file here in return for the favor.


Don’t know why it was recognized as potential spam by the system, but dont worry, already unblocked.

Thanks for sharing, and any attempts of language learning exchange and appreciated.

By the way, are you from Japan?


I’m from Korea. :grin:


Got it!
As the forum dont have so much Korean dictionaries,dont know whether you can share some? Like Korean Japanese dictionaries, Japanese Korean dictionaries, Korean Chinese Dictionaries. Thanks!

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Oh I see. If I turn some Korean-related dictionaries(for example, Korean-Chinese dictionary) into MDX, I will consider sharing it here.

By the way, when I study Chinese characters, I prefer to write a program, rather than to crawl web dictionaries and make it into a MDX file.

My GoldenDict screen:

My GoldenDict program settings:

Writing a program to query internet-based dictionaries is better than MDX files in terms of data recency.
(But this can only be used in Windows PCs, that’s the problem.)


You are right, but you know, most of foreign websites are blocked, so we usually tend to use an offline version. Take Korean dictionary website Naver for instance, it has been blocked since May, 2023. And some ppl, like me, who have a computer or smartphone with large memory even use a offline mdx version of Wikipedia​:joy:

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Oh I got it. Someday, I will try to crawl dictionaries from Naver or Daum. If it succeeded, then I’ll post it here. :blush:

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Thanks. For learning Chinese, dictionaries below may be of great help to u.

These four are all C-E dictionaries, if ur especially interested in Classical Chinese, first, third, and fourth will be of great help.

If ur proficient in Japanese too, then u can also click the “漢和辞典” button, then u will find many Classical Chinese - Modern Japanese dictionaries.


Thank you for your kind suggestion! I’ll check it out. Thanks​:heart_eyes:

Yeah, I already have most of Chinese-Japanese dictionaries.
I got them from https://nyaa.land/view/1634529. (Shared by @epistularum who is in this forum too)

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Thanks for sharing this beautifully designed dictionary. But the font is too big for the screen. No CSS found. Don’t know how to adjust. Can you make the font smaller?

Oh my, I didn’t consider the smartphone users. Really sorry. It’s my first time to make a MDX. I will try to fix it soon.

263MB ==> 19.6MB



漢字ペディア.part1.rar (10 MB)
漢字ペディア.part2.rar (10 MB)
漢字ペディア.part3.rar (9.6 MB)



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nice dictionary thanks.
i also dont speak chinese lol, but neither korean