福无双至[降], 祸不单行
[- - - - huò bù dān xínɡ]
Joy comes never more than once but sorrows never come singly.; Blessings do not come in pairs and calamities never come singly.; Blessings never come in pairs and troubles never come singly.; Good fortune does not come in pairs, and disasters do not come along.
[校记]“disasters do not come along”当作“disasters do not come alone”。参看“祸不单行”。
按:【祸不单行】条说:“Disasters [Misfortunes] do not come alone [singly].”
[- - dǎ ɡǒu]
shut the dogs up to beat them; blot the door and beat the dog — block the enemy’s retreat and then destroy him
[校记]“blot the door”当作“bolt the door”。《新世纪汉英》:“关门打狗:bolt the door to beat the dog”。
[- sǐ]
hang by the neck; hang oneself
吊死鬼 ghost of a person who hanged himself; the ghost of one who has committed by hanging
ghost of a person who hanged himself; the ghost of one who has committed by hanging
[- - nán ái]
It is hard to wait till the Yellow River is clear. — The time would be too long to wait for sth. to happen.; It takes too long to wait, and life is short.
hé qīng nán sì
The time would be too long to wait for sth.
It takes too long to wait, and life is short.
[- jī yě zhì]
(a man) given to extramarital relations in one’s family and outside; a domestic fowl and wind ducks — wife and mistress
[校记]“wind ducks”当作“wild ducks”。“家鸡野雉”亦作“家鸡野鹜”。“wild ducks”是“野鹜”的译文。
[- tiáo sī lǐ]
• 他那慢条斯理的样子和款款浅笑的神情,简直像个志成敦厚的大姑娘。 The unhurried way in which he spoke and the gentle smile on his lips reminded you of an unaffected young girl.
[- mǎo ér ɡān lí huò bú yuàn]
gladly to reside in sb.'s humble cottage and share his poor fare without complaint
[- - bù ɡǔ]
• 人心不古,世风日下。 Men are not what they were in times past and the general moves are getting worse and worse.
[校记]“the general moves”当作“the general mores”。
[- - lónɡ qínɡ]
great graces and favours
[校记]“覃思隆情”当作“覃恩隆情”。《ABC汉英》:“覃恩隆情:wr. great grace and favor”。
great grace and favor
wr. great grace and favor
[- - jué là]
The taste is no better than chewed tallow.; be as dry as dust; It is like chewing wax-insipid; tasteless like chewing a candle [wax]; (What they wrote) was quite flat.; It tastes no better than tallow.
[- - zūn mìnɡ]
It shall be as you wish.
It shall be as you wish.
2.一枕黄梁 → 一枕黄粱
[- - ɡuī lái]
forsake the darkness and cross over to the brightness; break away from the enemy to join our ranks; flee from darkness into light; strike camps and come over to surrender; free themselves from the enemy to join our ranks
break away from the enemy to join our ranks
自拔来归 zìbá-láiguī
break away from the enemy and come over to our side
zì bá lái guī
指从敌方投奔我方。《新唐书·李勣传》:“〔武德〕三年,自拔来归,从秦王伐东都,战有功。”毛 泽 东《井冈山的斗争》:“自拔来归的将日益增多。”
《牛津谚语词典》说这条谚语用来描述实力相当的人时,用diamond cuts diamond。不过,也常以diamond cut diamond的形式用作描述。这句话其实没说清楚。但是从具体的例句可以看出两种形式的用法区别:diamond cut diamond一般是当成名词短语或者说一个整体单位来描述“旗鼓相当”这种概念的。这种用法适用范围很广,我们可以说谁和谁旗鼓相当或者某某场景不分伯仲,例如 It’s always diamond cut diamond when those two schemers get together.或者It was a case of diamond cut diamond as the men fought to a draw. 但是,这条谚语也可以以主谓宾结构diamond cuts diamond形式出现,此时diamond隐喻旗鼓相当的双方。显然这种用法要比前面那种描述性用法受限得多,因为双方人物已经隐含在diamond中,不宜再出现。至于《汉英大词典》有没有弄明白这个区别不好说,但至少“铜盆碰上铁刷子”:a copper pen(拼写错误)against an iron brush — Diamond cuts diamond这一条没有问题。如果要用另一种形式,要改,比如改成Copper pan versus iron brush - a diamond cut diamond scenario unfolds或者When a copper pan meets an iron brush, it’s a diamond cut diamond encounter.
[- - ruò wù]
go after sth. like a flock of ducks; rush to it like ducks to water; scramble for sth.
趋之若鹜 go after sth. like a flock of ducks
qūzhīruòwù 趋之若鹜/骛[趨–鶩/騖] f.e. scramble for sth. (like a ducks after food); swarm (flock) after sth.; vie with each other for sth.
[校记]“like a ducks after food”当作“like a flock of ducks after food”。
That was a wise decision. Many years later, I discovered that calipash is the fatty, gelatinous, green substance on the inner surface of a turtle’s shell. The yellowish substance on the lower half is called calipee. Both are considered a delicacy in some circles, but ten-year-old children — and significantly older writers — may disagree.
这人说 calipash 在鳖壳内侧。
Liver and small intestine are cooked like chitterlings, the bones and shell are chopped for stock, and the calipash and calipee, like crawfish fat, are turned into sauce. Calipash is a greenish goo under the upper shell and calipee a yellowish goo over the lower, and it is the flavor of these that lets a connoisseur know he is eating true turtle soup rather than beef or lamb or some other “mock.”
这人说 calipash 是壳下的黏状物,还被制成了酱。
The turtle should be killed by cutting off the head; and the belly shell then taken off carefully, and cleaned from blood and adhering red meat. The belly shell is then to be placed in scalding hot water until the calipee peels off. Care must be taken not to over-scald or the white bloom will disappear from the outside, which greatly depreciates the value. The freed calipee (in as large pieces as are convenient) should then be dried in the sun, on wire frames. It will dry quite hard, and must be kept from dust and dirt, and packed in plain wooden boxes or barrels. On the back shell is the dark green or black-meat – calipash- near the edge of the shell- this can be scalded off and dried in the same way…