Dictionaries from Ru-Board (>50 Languages)

A collection of Dictionaries in >50 Languages for GoldenDict.
Format: dsl, mdx, stardict, bgl, etc.
Size: > 400 GiB
Dictionaries: > 5000
Source: Ru-Board.com, lingvodics.com, etc.

Please check the index in .html format to find the dictionaries faster.




GoldenDict unlocked: the software can read dictionaries in .dsl format
DictTango: the software can read dictionaries in .mdx format

2) If you want to upload something, please reply to this post or PM.

31 个赞


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Great job!

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Thanks for sharing such a great resources .

3 个赞

Thanks for great work and uploading!

4 个赞

Such a great collection of resources for language enthusiasts. Thank you very much! :heart_eyes:

Blessed be. :pray:

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Our friend @dolanskurd will upload his collection of dictionaries that he had collected since 2009. Many are made by himself and are totally original. Others might be already in the cloud.

Dolan wants to share his collection but hes does not have time to remove duplicates. So, I suggested that he should upload everything to the folder called “Upload pendings to sort” and very slowly we could sort the dictionaries out. I could help with this task over several weeks…

@Wankata I am warning about this because there might be many duplicates and we need to be careful. But the dictionaries from Dolan are really high quality and worthwhile. :grinning:

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OK, we’ll see what can be done. Let him just upload the dictionaries.

Thanks in advance!

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@dolanskurd uploaded 35 Gib of Dictionaries :heart_eyes:

Some observations:

  1. A huge number of dictionaries in .mdx format were converted by Dolan from .dsl files.

The “original” files are the .dsl files. This represents a dilemma.

Should we consider the .mdx files a “new dictionary” and keep both versions (dsl + mdx)?

I don’t know. I let you this decision to you @Wankata

  1. I deleted around 3 Gibs of Duplicates, but there is a long work to do.

Dolan is a Professional programmer. I am sure he did a good job with all the conversions from .dsl to .mdx, but testing them one by one would take too many hours… :hot_face:

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I have long adhered to the policy of leaving both DSL and MDX files in the folders, if available, so that they can be used on mobile devices.

I have already handled larger volumes, but it will take days, maybe a week - depends on how much free time I have. Some of them are already on the server.

We’ll see, I’ll start processing them tomorrow.

Have a good evening!

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@Wankata Thanks for your great work and stamina! :1st_place_medal:

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Enjoy :wink:

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Thank you very much!

May I ask a simple list of the dictionaries that our @dolanskurd had newly uploaded? I have benefited much from his dics before and would like to have a look at his collection. Thanks a lot!!

These are what I have at the moment (HTML inside the archive):

Dolan_dictionaries.rar (101.8 КБ)

What a wonderful collection! Thank you! So @Wankata U have to take the duplicates out, then open these files public?

Not really. It will be done gradually. What will ready, will appear in the appropriate folders in real time.

My idea.
If not in specific folder.
To add dolan or bydolan at the end of the name of the file Will be useful to find them.
Thanks to everybody!

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There are dictionaries from multiple authors in the cloud. This would mean either renaming all dictionaries or favoring one author over others.