【仅供参考】LDOCE5+++Activ (2021-12-23)

and thank you for the correction from you.

for me, the word “forum” clearly indicates it is this forum, not another one. I don’t think “the” is necessary for that sentence, also the capitalization is not necessary, also that “and”.

Or, is there any misjudgment I made? Is that sentence enough to express the meaning?
misjudgement x

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跟官网数据对比了下,online比5++多了6200个词条,其中属于LDOCE的词条有188个,剩下6000+个都是属于LBD(Longman Business Dictionary)的。


-- 测试用的补丁--

全部6200词头见:LDOCE5++UPDATE (6200 entries).xlsx (147.8 KB)




测试用的mdx补丁:LDOCE5++ update.mdx (1.4 MB)


6版就很不错啊,6兄用6版,66大顺 :doge_bilibili:

5 个赞

粗略看了下,@Impact 推荐的motgen版好像更接近官网数据,只是精简了LBD和word family。



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FF的L5++ 包含了LBD呀!

FF的L5++是抓取的朗文官网Online数据,应视为是LDOCE, LBD和Corpus的合集,数据当时都是全的,至于那个“5”不过是匹配了双解朗5而已。




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没爬楼没看见 :face_with_peeking_eye:

补丁甚好!兼容性问题目前还没遇到 :slightly_smiling_face:


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我用手头的LDOCE6过滤了一遍,找到另一个文字声音不符的fundamentalist | meaning of fundamentalist in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCE

fund LO


L5-def 1320	-age	used to form new nouns referring to a quantity of something
L6-def 1479	-age	used to form nouns referring to a quantity of something
L5-def 53	9/11	September 11,2001, when terrorists from al-Qaeda crashed planes into the World Trade Center in New York, killing almost 3,000 people. The terrorists also crashed a plane into the Pentagon and tried to attack Washington
L6-def 52	9/11	September 11, 2001, when terrorists used planes to attack New York and Washington
L5-def 2039	al-Qaeda	a terrorist organization formed in the 1980s by Osama Bin Laden and other leaders. At first, al-Qaeda members fought against soldiers from the Soviet Union who had taken control of Afghanistan. After the Soviets left Afghanistan, al-Qaeda started a campaign of attacks against western countries, including the attack on New York City on September 11,2001 when two planes flew into the World Trade Center and destroyed it. More recently al-Qaeda has been involved in fighting in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen.
L6-def 2243	al-Qaeda	an Islamic organization formed in the 1980s by Arab men and women who were fighting in Afghanistan against the former Soviet Union, and led by Osama Bin Laden. After the Soviet soldiers left Afghanistan, al-Qaeda started a campaign of attacks against western countries, including the attack on New York City on September 11, 2001 when two planes flew into the World Trade Center and destroyed it. The US government announced a ‘war on terror’ and sent soldiers to Afghanistan to try and destroy al-Qaeda’s secret training camps (=places where they teach people how to use guns and bombs etc) and to kill or catch its leaders.
L5-def 2188	American Gothic	a painting by the US artist Grant Wood, which shows a very serious-looking farmer holding a pitchfork, with his daughter standing beside him. It is often copied in a humorous way in advertisements.
L6-def 2410	American Gothic	a painting by the US artist Grant Wood, which shows a very serious-looking farmer holding a pitchfork, with his wife standing beside him. It is often copied in a humorous way in advertisements.
L5-def 2456	anger	to do or use something in a real situation
L6-def 2711	anger	to do or use something for the first time, or in a real situation
L5-def 4743	backslash	a line (\) used in writing to separate words, numbers, or letters
L6-def 5212	backslash	a line () used in writing to separate words, numbers, or letters
L5-def 28654	fa	the fourth note in a musical scale1(7) according to the sol-fa system
L6-def 31272	fa	the fourth note in a musical scale1(8) according to the sol-fa system
L5-def 37975	Hamas	an organization that wants to create a Palestinian state with strict Islamic law, in the area that is now controlled by Israel. Hamas has used rockets and suicide bombers to attack Israel. In 2006 Hamas won more seats than the more moderate Fatah party in the Palestinian elections. In 2007 Hamas used force to take control of the Gaza Strip after Fatah refused to hand over control to the new government. The Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (Fatah) made an official order stating that the Hamas militia was illegal.
L6-def 41196	Hamas	an organization of Islamic fundamentalists (=people who follow the rules of their religion very strictly) in Palestine. It opposes the PLO's peace agreements with Israel. In 2006 Hamas won more seats than more moderate Fatah party in the Palestinian parliamentary elections. In 2007 Hamas used force to take control of the Gaza Strip after Fatah refused to hand over control to the new government. The Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (Fatah) made an official order stating that the Hamas militia was illegal.
L5-def 41002	horse-trading	the activity of discussing issues or making deals in which everyone tries hard to gain advantages for their own side, especially in politics or business
L6-def 44548	horse-trading	the activity of discussing issues or making deals in which everyone tried hard to gain advantages for their own side, especially in politics or business
L5-def 44345	Islamic Jihad	a military organization that is opposed to Israel's control of Palestine and wants to destroy the state of Israel. During the 1980s, Islamic Jihad held several people from Western countries as hostages for a very long time, including Jesse Turner from the US and Terry Waite from the UK.
L6-def 48713	Islamic Jihad	an Islamic organization that is opposed to Isreal's control of Palestine. During the 1980s, Islamic Jihad held several people from Western countries as hostages for a very long time, including Jesse Turner from the US and Terry Waite from the UK.
L5-def 51205	manganese	a grey-white metal that breaks easily and is used to make steel and glass. It is a chemical element: symbol Mn
L6-def 55983	manganese	a grey-white metal that breaks easily and is used to mak is used to make steel and glass. It is a chemical element: symbol Mn
L5-def 52209	McDonalds	the world's most famous fast food restaurant, which sells hamburgers, cooked chicken pieces, French fries, salads, and other types of fast food. Its best-known product is the Big Mac. There are thousands of McDonalds restaurants all over the world, and they are especially popular with children and young people. The company started in the US, and many people think of McDonalds as a typical part of the American way of life.
L6-def 57054	McDonalds	the world's most famous fast food restaurant, which sells hamburgers, cooked chicken pieces, fFench fries, salads, and other types of fast food. Its best-known product is the Big Mac. There are thousands of McDonalds restaurants all over the world, and they are especially popular with children and young people. The company started in the US, and many people think of McDonalds as a typical part of the American way of life.
L5-def 52633	Melville, Herman	(1819–91) a US writer who wrote about his experiences as a sailor. His best-known book is Moby Dick, one of the most famous American novels, which was also made into a well-known film. He also wrote Billy Budd, a story which Benjamin  Britten used in his  opera of the same name.
L6-def 57543	Melville, Herman	(1819–91)  a US writer who wrote about his experiences as a sailor. His best-known book is moby-dick, one of the most famous American novels, which was also made into a well-known film. He also wrote Billy Budd, a story which Benjamin  britten used in his  opera of the same name.
L5-def 58710	oneself	the reflexive form of one2(7)
L6-def 64340	oneself	the reflexive form of one3(2)
L5-def 70310	REM	rapid eye movementthe period of sleep when you dream and your eyes make a lot of small movements
L6-def 77067	REM	(rapid eye movement)the period of sleep when you dream and your eyes make a lot of small movements


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在整理麦克米伦的时候也遇到过一些低级错误,有时候甚至会怀疑这家公司是不是要倒闭了,词典编辑好随便。有的地方不知道是在玩梗还是真的错了 :smile:

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维基有 two and two 词典,

因为学了英语成对词:doge_bilibili:,所以我看到 and 就本能觉得是特殊用法,去搜了搜

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这个例句在2019版中是正确的,是被故意改成这个的,我查了好像是198 4 的一个梗

麦克米伦的open dictionary更新到2020年12月31号就戛然而止了,正常情况每年会更新一千多条释义,停更快两年了,不知道意味着什么

有没有可能是,改的人认为 2+2=4 是数学,two and two is five is proverb。 在大批量查看的时候确实,说不清,不知道是玩梗还是错误。

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