Bible Parallel Text ( Chinese - German )

New mdx : Bible Parallel Text ( Chinese - German )
Author: Xu Yinuo 许一诺 - 知乎
Entries: 28.455

Search a word in Chinese characters and find examples in the Bible with its German Translation.

Download: bible parallel.7z (26.2 MB)

Please write your suggestions or comments. Please suggest reliable Parallel Corpora (Chinese-German) to expand this “Collocations Dictionary”. Inspired by : 【已完结】 SIO双向双解词典v3.3

Also check the German MASTER Collection

Please join the QQ group of Xu Yinuo for a Complete collection of German Dictionaries:
武汉大学德语系 许一诺 重新排版.

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1 个赞

Gute Idee!