
结论:各类学习词典为了简单易懂而牺牲语义信息(一个例外:oald4的中文部分真是经典),反而是 otd, soed或oed, MWU, 这些原来觉得难懂的词典更能帮你找到恰当的词汇。这些词典,解释的更细致,看了释义就知道这个词的与众不同的含义。

比如 sullen有生气不搭理人的含义,
在soed和otd里的第三个释义 (多谢lgmcw 让我重新用回这本曾经最喜欢的词典

Averse to company, disinclined to be sociable; characterized by gloomy ill humour; morose, resentful; (of actions, attributes, etc.) indicative of such a mood.

Bad-tempered and sulky. 还得再找到他的词条sulky:Morose, bad-tempered, and resentful; refusing to be cooperative or cheerful. 才找到不搭理人这个意味(refusing to be cooperative)。

silent, bad-tempered and gloomy,这个英文释义不达之处 被中文的翻译 给弥补了:不答理人的(译者把silent译成 不答理人的,而不是安静的或不说话的);脾气坏的;闷闷不乐的:。 怪不得oald4 ec是经典。

在Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 9th edition 的释义
bad-tempered and not speaking, either on a particular occasion or because it is part of your character
这个either on a particular occasion or because it is part of your character不懂为何加在这里,跟sullen毫无干系。

在Collins COBUILD overhaul V2.30里 解释也是简单到快没有信息了,
Someone who is sullen is bad-tempered and does not speak much

Showing a brooding ill humor or silent resentment; morose or sulky

ill-humoredly unsociable : gloomily or resentfully silent or repressed

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, Fifth Edition的解释也很好,(但是对subsist这个词的解释就差些,没有解释出(尤指最低限度地)生存,糊口,勉强维持生活。 所以这本词典 鸡肋)
1 showing resentment and ill humor by morose, unsociable withdrawal

Merriam-Webster collegiate Dictionary很多时候很精准,这次却很一般,解释为
gloomily or resentfully silent or repressed

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showing that you are in an unhappy mood, and do not want to talk

請問 otd 是那本?

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是 oxford talking dict. 不过链接里的那个是OTD 和shorter oxford english dictionary 的和体。

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想问一下,sullen “生气不搭理人”中文含义,是出自哪一本权威词典?

如果将 “生气不搭理人”回译成英语,会是什么呢

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来自Macmillan-British-English 2收起文章
ADJECTIVE /ˈsʌlən/
1 showing that you are in an unhappy mood, and do not want to talk 闷闷不乐的;郁郁寡欢的;不搭理人的


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sullen boy - 国际版 Bing images

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— used to describe an angry or unhappy person who does not want to talk, smile, etc.

grumpy的牛津9更粗暴,直接就是 bad-tempered。连例句都没有。

然后查新牛津grumpy,bad-tempered and sulky。呃,这不就是sullen的释义吗?

牛津9sullen释义 "either on a particular occasion or because it is part of your character"也不是不相干,查牛津同义词典就会发现,sullen和sulky某些程度是不一样的

Typically, children are sulky: if you describe an adult as sulky it suggests that they are behaving like a child. Sullen is an even more disapproving word: people can be sullen on a particular occasion or it can describe their whole character because they behave like that all the time.

说sulky是突然不搭理人像很多词典也都有a sulky child这例句,sullen是性格上不搭理人,所以很多词典都有a sullen old man这例句。

Sullen can describe a person’s attitude for the moment or over a long period of time. A person can normally be sullen.

If a person is sulky, it is usually something that was only recently and temporarily brought on by some specific event. Even in the rare instances where it’s used to describe a long-term attitude, it still usually implies that it is the result of some specific event or events, whereas sullen doesn’t imply anything about the cause.

sulky是生闷气、不搭理人,那a sulky child等于a grumpy child? 似乎也怪怪的。

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S0ED6 (Shorter Oxford English Dictionary)+Otd (0xford Talking Dictionary)(牛津英语大词典简编本+牛津对话词典)

oald4(Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary,牛津高阶第四版)

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give the cold shoulder