结论:各类学习词典为了简单易懂而牺牲语义信息(一个例外:oald4的中文部分真是经典),反而是 otd, soed或oed, MWU, 这些原来觉得难懂的词典更能帮你找到恰当的词汇。这些词典,解释的更细致,看了释义就知道这个词的与众不同的含义。
比如 sullen有生气不搭理人的含义,
在soed和otd里的第三个释义 (多谢lgmcw 让我重新用回这本曾经最喜欢的词典
Averse to company, disinclined to be sociable; characterized by gloomy ill humour; morose, resentful; (of actions, attributes, etc.) indicative of such a mood.
Bad-tempered and sulky. 还得再找到他的词条sulky:Morose, bad-tempered, and resentful; refusing to be cooperative or cheerful. 才找到不搭理人这个意味(refusing to be cooperative)。
silent, bad-tempered and gloomy,这个英文释义不达之处 被中文的翻译 给弥补了:不答理人的(译者把silent译成 不答理人的,而不是安静的或不说话的);脾气坏的;闷闷不乐的:。 怪不得oald4 ec是经典。
在Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 9th edition 的释义
bad-tempered and not speaking, either on a particular occasion or because it is part of your character
这个either on a particular occasion or because it is part of your character不懂为何加在这里,跟sullen毫无干系。
在Collins COBUILD overhaul V2.30里 解释也是简单到快没有信息了,
Someone who is sullen is bad-tempered and does not speak much
Showing a brooding ill humor or silent resentment; morose or sulky
ill-humoredly unsociable : gloomily or resentfully silent or repressed
Webster’s New World College Dictionary, Fifth Edition的解释也很好,(但是对subsist这个词的解释就差些,没有解释出(尤指最低限度地)生存,糊口,勉强维持生活。 所以这本词典 鸡肋)
1 showing resentment and ill humor by morose, unsociable withdrawal
Merriam-Webster collegiate Dictionary很多时候很精准,这次却很一般,解释为
gloomily or resentfully silent or repressed