求坛友再次分享:OOEEDD 285011 链接已经失效!
URL: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1GWSkSjQtA6xf2218gIfNIQ
Key: tqyj
没赶上 劳烦再分享一次 感谢
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URL: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1t7BdQaBYVeNu7rOFJBLI_A
Key: 8wd5
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Could you upload it again please @tempertemper
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Sure. I would love. But some reason Baidu is no more accessible in my country. I am looking for an alternate cloud. Once files are up and cloud confirm working both in my country and China i will update the link. I could take a week. Thank u for your patience.
There you go: