My Collection of English-English Dictionaries

Hello everyone. I hope everyone here is enjoying the best of their health. I was introduced to this site by a Chinese fellow member known as @Arlin. A big thanks to HER for referring me to this awesome community. Note to @Arlin, I am a She not He. Hehehe. Anyways that was little introduction of myself. I am impress by the way this site works. Simple and respectful interaction among the members is very attractive feature. And also resources is available to all members regardless of the members ranks, which is why i love and prefer this community over others. Recently, I have been helped a lot by the resources other members shared over this community. So, I have decided to contribute my part and share the resources I collected over the years. I am simply sharing the resources. I do not take credit for anything I did not create. Credits to original makers and contributors.

Key: xu2b


URL: Extract Files - TeraBox
code: eahf

Mdict Site Library:'s%20collection/MD~/

A big thanks to @hua for transferring to the site library.

28 个赞

thanks for sharing

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Thanks a million for sharing

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She is alos a She not He. :smiley:

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That’s so nice of you!

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Correction made. Thanks for recti fying. :+1:t2:

Love and Peace from China.

Me too. :rofl:

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it is the resource of price for mdict.thank you .

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Thanks for the !complimen @Sophia. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thanks so much! This is the true spirit of internet sharing!

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Any chance you could upload this to somewhere else that’s more friendly to non-Chinese users? After all, these are all en-en dictionaries… :smile:

I would gladly have uploaded it somewhere else, but the problem is that other clouds do not offer such a huge amount of storage free of charge as the Baidu does or used to did to be precise. Now they are not as nicer to foreigner as they used to be. And I am a student myself. Yes, I can upload it to Google drive. But my Google Dive has a vey little storage left. 6 GB to be precise. And the dictionaries I collected over the years are almost 65 GB in size. I can upload the dictionaries you want most. Let me know which dictionaries you prefer and i will upload them to my google drive for you.

great share and collection you have here, much appreciated.

i’m with nimha in that baidu is really a hassle for non-Chinese users, and i’ve seen a dictionary in your collection that i’d really like: OED 2020(OED(20200828) version) could you please consider sharing this with me on a friendlier platform ? Thank you

also, hua has indicated here in the postscript here: 文件搜索服务 上线啦 that they are interested in uploading user collections to this site’s file library. perhaps you could consider taking up this offer so that users of this site can benefit from your awesome collection.

Thank you again and success in your studoes.

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I have tried to move this collection to our library, but sadly, I neither own a Baidu SVIP account nor have a good network connection to Baidu server.

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great to hear that you tried migrating the collection to the library here and by the way great work on the site.

have you tried contacting tempertemper to see if you could collaborate in uploading them here?

you could also try putting up a post here on the forums asking for help in transferring the files from Baidu. there surely have to be grateful SVIP account holders on here who would be willing to support what you do by helping you upload this collection to the site.

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一共多大的?不大可以 cowtransfer


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如果你没有 onedrive 或者 google drive 的话,只能辛苦你打四个包,上传奶牛了,奶牛单次 2G 。有 onedrive googledrive 就用这俩。辛苦你拉,提前感谢你!

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