

2024-05-20 20:56

China’s new hit TV show To the Wonder has made Altay in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region a new trendy tourism destination among young people, who are attracted by the breathtaking views and the simple and heartwarming lives of the local residents.

  • hit n. a person or thing that is very popular 很受欢迎的人(或事物)
  • Altay n. 阿尔泰(是中国新疆最北的一个地区)
  • Uygur n.维吾尔族
  • breathtaking adj. very exciting or impressive (usually in a pleasant way); very surprising 激动人心的;惊人的
  • heartwarming adj. 感人的;暖心的,暖人心房的
  • 中国新近热播的电视节目《我的阿勒泰》使新疆维吾尔自治区的阿勒泰地区成为年轻人心目中的新潮的旅游目的地,令人惊叹的美景和当地居民淳朴温馨的生活吸引着他们。

Adapted from My Altay, a collection of prose by Li Juan, the drama tells the story of Li Wenxiu, a young woman who returned to her hometown of Altay to live with her mother after failing in her dream of becoming a writer and having setbacks at work. She then found the meaning of life and her love in Altay.

  • drama n. a play for theatre, radio, or television 戏; (舞台、广播或电视)剧
  • tell v. [T] to express sth in words 讲述;说;表达
  • setback n. a difficulty or problem that delays or prevents sth, or makes a situation worse 挫折;阻碍
  • 《我的阿勒泰》改编自李娟的同名散文集,剧集讲述了李文秀在城市中工作受挫、追逐文学梦想碰壁后回到家乡与母亲一起生活的故事。在阿勒泰生活期间,李文秀逐渐领悟到生活的意义,找到内心所爱。

The grassland views and free and easy lives showcased in the teleplay soon made Altay one of the top-tier tourism destinations among young people.

  • grassland n. [U] (also grasslands [pl.])a large area of open land covered with wild grass 草原;草地;草场
  • showcase v. exhibit; display 展示; 表现
  • teleplay n. 电视剧
  • top-tier adj. 原意为“顶级的”,在这里为“首选的”
  • 电视剧中展现的草原风光和自由自在的生活,使阿勒泰很快成为年轻人的首选旅游目的地之一。

“It’s like a place that’s out of this world. I can’t imagine how happy I would be to wake up every morning seeing such beautiful views. My husband and I are planning a trip to Xinjiang this summer and Altay will definitely be included in our itinerary,” said Zhang Chen, a 31-year-old from Beijing.

  • itinerary n. pl. it·in·er·aries a plan of a journey, including the route and the places that you visit 行程;旅行日程
  • \“这里就像一个世外桃源。我无法想象每天早上醒来看到如此美丽的景色会有多开心。我和丈夫计划今年夏天去新疆旅游,阿勒泰一定会被列入我们的行程中。”一位来自北京的31岁的女士 Zhang Chen 说到。

The travel portal Qunar said that from May 7 — the day the TV show began its commercial airing, flight ticket bookings to Altay rose 20 percent compared with the same period in the previous month, and hotel bookings doubled during the period on its platform.

  • portal adj. [usually pl.] (formal or literary) a large, impressive gate or entrance to a building 壮观的大门;豪华的入口
  • 旅行门户网站 travel portal
  • 去哪儿(旅游门户网站)Qunar
  • commercial adj. (of television or radio 电视或电台) paid for by the money charged for broadcasting advertisements 由广告收入支付的;商业性的
  • airing n. a transmission of a television or radio programme(电视或电台节目的)播送
  • commercial airing It refers to the act of broadcasting a commercial or advertisement on television or radio

Homestay operating and booking platform Tujia said that bookings for homestays in Altay had surged by 200 percent from May 9 to Wednesday, compared with the same period in April.

  • 民宿 homestay n. an arrangement that provides accommodation for students or tourists in the home of a family in exchange for payment
  • 民宿运营和预订平台途家表示,从 5 月 9 日到本周三,阿勒泰地区的民宿预订量与 4 月份同期相比激增了 200%。

“The best travel season to Altay is usually from August to October, but its peak season will arrive earlier this year, around June, thanks to the impact of this trendy show,” said Huang Minghu, travel portal Tuniu’s director for tour products in Xinjiang.

  • 途牛新疆产品负责人黄明虎在接受《中国日报》记者采访时表示,阿勒泰的最佳旅游季节一般是8到10月,今年受电视剧热播效应影响,热度会提前到6月。

He said that Altay enjoys great advantages in developing tourism, including its breathtaking grassland and lake views, and original and well-preserved villages. The place is also a popular skiing destination in winter.

  • 他说,阿勒泰在发展旅游业方面具有很大的优势,包括令人惊叹的草原和湖泊景观,以及保存完好的原始村落。这里还是冬季滑雪胜地。

“TV shows and short videos can perfectly show the beautiful views of the shooting location. Xinjiang will enter its tourism peak season and more young people will be attracted to the region thanks to this hit show,” he said.

  • shooting n. [U] the process of filming a film/movie (电影的)拍摄
  • 拍摄地 shooting location
  • 他表示,短视频和电视剧能够完美呈现拍摄地的美景。新疆即将进入旅游旺季,这部热播剧将吸引更多年轻人来新疆旅游。

Wei Changren, founder of btiii.com, a tourism-related financial news portal, said that Altay has not become famous overnight, but has long been a destination well-known for its natural beauty. However, it hasn’t been very popular because of long travel times and higher costs of accommodation.

  • (与旅游相关的)财经新闻门户网站劲旅网 (btiii.com)创始人魏长仁说,阿勒泰并非一夜成名,而是早以自然美景闻名于世。然而,由于路途遥远、住宿费用高等原因,阿勒泰一直没有成为网红打卡区。

“It’s not that convenient to reach the place, as many big cities don’t have direct flights to Altay. Travelers may have to take buses or cars for hours after their flight,” he said.

  • 直达的 direct
  • "由于许多大城市都没有直达阿勒泰的航班,因此前往阿勒泰并不方便。游客下飞机后还要辗转数小时大巴或者包车才能抵达目的地,"他说。

Though Altay still lacks the capability to receive large numbers of travelers, Wei believes that the development of its tourism sector enjoys great prospects.

“Altay has different charms in summer and winter, and these distinct seasonal views are attractive to travelers. From my perspective, authorities in Altay can take the hit show as an opportunity and continue developing good tourism and cultural resources to attract travelers. The local tourism infrastructure can also be improved to enhance visitors’ experiences,” he added.

  • take…as 认为;把…当作

It’s not the first time in recent years that a hit show has helped turn its location into a popular tourism destination. In January 2023, the TV drama Meet Yourself, starring Liu Yifei and Li Xian, made Dali in the southwestern province of Yunnan a trendy tourism destination.

  • star v. [I] ~ (with/opposite sb) (in sth) to have one of the main parts in a film/movie, play, etc. 主演;担任主角 [注意这里的用法]
  • 这并非是热播剧取景地首次爆火出圈,2023年由刘亦菲和李现主演的电视剧《去有风的地方》带动西南部的云南大理成为旅游热门目的地。

Xiao Peng, a researcher from travel portal Qunar, said that it’s common to see a TV drama boosting its location’s potential as a tourist destination in recent years. Citing To the Wonder as an example, he said that the local authorities or tourism companies can optimize tour products combining natural views and cultural elements in Altay to improve people’s travel experiences.

  • 提升潜力 boost one’s potential
  • 以…为例 cite … as an example
  • optimize v. ~ sth to make sth as good as it can be; to use sth in the best possible way 使最优化;充分利用
  • 来自旅游网站去哪儿网的研究员肖鹏表示,近年来热播电视剧带热地方旅游的现象时有发生。他以电视剧《我的阿勒泰》为例,指出当地政府或旅游公司可以结合阿勒泰的自然风光和文化元素优化旅游产品,提升游客的体验深度。



2024-05-21 07:44


Women are always in spring.


I think that women are diplomats by nature. They don’t have to be in the foreign office to be diplomats. Women are diplomats whatever they are, wherever they go. They’re flowers. It’s not that that’s a bad thing, but they are much more than that.

  • by nature arising from one’s nature 天生地;天性
  • “无论在何事,无论身处何处,女性都可以是外交家”,她告诉小彭。“女性确实像花一样,但远胜于此。”


I think that’s what girls have to remember. They have special powers.


“I was born as a mountain, not a stream. I aspire to gaze beyond the mediocrity of ravines from mountain peaks.” This is the motto of Huaping High School for girls in Lijiang, Yunnan province, offering free education to those from impoverished families. Founded by Zhang Guimei, a renowned Chinese educator, it embodies the belief that women can transcend expectations – they can be flowers, trees, mountains or anything they dream to be.

  • stream n. small narrow river 小河;溪
  • aspire v. [I, T]to have a strong desire to achieve or to become sth 渴望(成就);有志(成为)
  • gaze beyond It means to look beyond something, often with a sense of wonder or contemplation. 这里按语境翻译为“俯视”
  • mediocrity n. [U] the quality of being average or not very good 平庸;普通;平常
  • ravine n. a deep, very narrow valley with steep sides 沟壑;溪谷
  • motto n. pl. mottoes or mottos a short sentence or phrase that expresses the aims and beliefs of a person, a group, an institution, etc. and is used as a rule of behaviour 校训;座右铭;格言;箴言
  • impoverished adj. very poor; without money 赤贫的;不名一文的
  • renowned adj. famous and respected 有名的;闻名的;受尊敬的
  • transcend v. ~ sth (formal) to be or go beyond the usual limits of sth 超出,超越(通常的界限)
  • “我生来就是高山,而非溪流,我欲于群峰之巅俯视平庸的沟壑。”这是云南丽江华坪女子高级中学的校训。华坪女高是张桂梅创办的一所全免费学校,她坚信女性能够突破期望的束缚——她们可以是花朵、树木、山川,可以是任何她们梦想成为的样子。


2024-05-21 17:30

The helicopter crashed due to a “technical failure,” the IRNA state news agency said in an English-language article paying tribute to Raisi(莱西总统). It appeared to be the first time the cause of the crash was indicated, according to New York Times.

  • technical failure 技术故障
  • tribute n. [U, C] ~ (to sb) an act, a statement or a gift that is intended to show your respect or admiration, especially for a dead person (尤指对死者的)致敬,颂辞;悼念;致哀;吊唁礼物
  • pay tribute to sb. 对…表示悼念、致敬
  • 伊朗官方媒体伊斯兰共和国通讯社(IRNA,伊通社)在一篇悼念莱西总统的英文报道中称,直升机坠毁的原因是 “技术故障”。(美国)《纽约时报》称,这似乎是(伊朗媒体方面)首次指出事故原因。

Ayatollah Ebrahim Raisi was the eighth president of Iran who was elected to run the country in the 13th presidential election in 2021. Seyed Ebrahim Raisi on Sunday (May 19, 2024) was martyred in a plane crash upon return from Khoda’afarin Dam and on their way to Tabriz Oil Refinery in Varzghan District of East Azarbaijan Province.

  • 管理国家 run a country
  • martyr v. [usually passive] ~ sb to kill sb because of their religious or political beliefs (因宗教或政治信仰)使殉难,处死
  • dam n. 水坝
  • refinery n. pl. re·fineries a factory where a substance such as oil is refined (= made pure) 精炼厂;提炼厂;精制厂
  • 莱希2021年在伊朗第13届大选中当选,成为该国第八任总统。周日(2024年5月19日)莱希在从霍达阿法林大坝返回东阿塞拜疆省 Varzghan 地区大不里士炼油厂的途中遭遇飞机失事,不幸殉难。

A helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi made a “hard landing” on Sunday as it was crossing a mountainous area through a heavy fog. The president and his entourage were flying back from a visit to a border area in the northwestern province of East Azarbaijan. Before the crash, Raisi had attended a ceremony to open a joint dam project on Iran’s northwestern border.

  • 山区 mountainous area
  • 事故发生前,莱西访问伊朗阿塞拜疆边境,出席了一个大坝落成典礼。总统及其随行人员在访问过后乘飞机返回。周日,伊朗总统莱西所乘坐的直升机在浓雾中穿越山区时发生硬着陆。

Pirhossein Kolivand, the head of the Iranian Red Crescent Society, shared details about the search-and-rescue operation in an interview with a state broadcaster. He said the vast search area, heavy fog and darkness slowed the operation. Paul Beaver, an aviation expert and former helicopter pilot, said the cloud cover, fog, mist and low temperature must have contributed to the crash of the Iranian president’s aircraft.

  • broadcaster n. a company that sends out television or radio programmes 电视台;广播公司
  • aviation n. [U]the designing, building and flying of aircraft 航空制造业;航空;飞行
  • mist n. [U, C] a cloud of very small drops of water in the air just above the ground, that make it difficult to see 薄雾;水汽
  • 伊朗红新月会负责人皮尔侯赛因·科利万德在接受伊朗国家电视台采访时表示搜救范围广、多雾、多雨、能见度较低等状况都阻碍了搜救行动的进行。航空专家、前直升机飞行员保罗·比弗称,他认为云层、大雾以及低温是导致直升机坠机的原因之一。


Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi was likely traveling on a Bell 212 helicopter that began operating in the late 1960s, according to CNN military analyst Cedric Leighton.

  • operate v. [I, T] to be used or working; to use sth or make it work (被)使用;(使)运转
  • 美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)军事分析师塞德里克·莱顿(Cedric Leighton)分析说,莱希乘坐的直升机,可能是问世于上世纪60年代的贝尔-212直升机。


Leighton told CNN’s Paula Newton that the difficulty in obtaining spare parts could have played a factor in the crash: “In this particular case, I think this confluence of spare parts, because of the sanctions, plus the weather which was very bad over the last few days in this particular part of northwestern Iran. All of that, I think contributed to a series of incidents and a series of decisions that the pilot and possibly even the president himself made when it came to flying this aircraft… And unfortunately for them, the result is this crash.”

  • obtain v. obtain 较正式用词,着重通过巨大努力、要求而得到所需或盼望已久的东西
  • spare adj. [only before noun] kept in case you need to replace the one you usually use; extra 备用的;外加的
  • part n. [C] a piece of a machine or structure 部件;零件
  • confluence n. formal a situation in which two or more things combine or happen at the same time 同时发生,汇集/聚
  • sanction n. [C, usually pl.] ~ (against sb) an official order that limits trade, contact, etc. with a particular country, in order to make it do sth, such as obeying international law 制裁
  • 引号中的话属于口头表述,语法结构没那么对称和严格。
  • 莱顿告诉 CNN 的 Paula Newton,难以获得备用零件可能是导致坠机的一个因素:"在这种特殊情况下,我认为由于(美国对伊朗实施)制裁而难以获得备用零件,再加上过去几天伊朗西北部这个地区的天气非常糟糕,这两种情况都同时发生。所有这一切,我认为都促成了一系列事件,以及飞行员,甚至可能是总统本人在驾驶这架飞机时所做出的一系列决定…而不幸的是,结果就是这次坠机(事件)。


2024-05-21 22:32


An unexpected Chinese presence, the Chinese steamed buns, known as mantou in Chinese, made an appearance at La Fête du pain, the annual bread festival held in front of the Notre Dame, Paris, from May 7 to May 16.

  • steamed adj. (of food) cooked by steaming(食物)蒸的
  • bun n. [C] (BrE also bap) a small round flat bread roll 圆面包
  • 在5月7日至16日于巴黎圣母院前举行的年度面包节“La Fête du pain”上,一种意想不到的中国元素——馒头(中文叫作mantou)出现了。

On May 9, a Chinese netizen who attended the bread festival, posted a video on Douyin. In the video, a line of mantou was nestled among the array of baked food on display.

  • 网民 netizen n. (informal, humorous)a person who uses the Internet a lot 网民;网虫;网迷;(台)网路族
  • nestle v. [T] ~ sb/sth adv./prep. to put or hold sb/sth in a comfortable position in a warm or soft place 抱;安置 In this case, it suggests a sense of harmony and integration within the display.
  • array n. [usually sing.] a group or collection of things or people, often one that is large or impressive 大堆;大群;大量
  • 5月9日,参加面包节的一名中国网友在抖音上发布了一段视频。视频中,一排馒头夹杂在琳琅满目的烘焙食品中。

The video quickly went viral on Chinese social media platforms, bringing attention to this most beloved staple food in Chinese diet.

  • 走红 go viral
  • staple adj. [only before noun] forming a basic, large or important part of sth 主要的;基本的;重要的
  • 主食 staple food
  • 这段视频在中国社交媒体平台上迅速走红,这种国人最喜爱的主食也备受瞩目。


Mantou can be enjoyed in various ways. When freshly steamed, it is a delight on its own, alternatively, it can be roasted, skewered, and grilled to golden brown, and its flavor can be enhanced with aromatic spices like cumin and chili powder.

  • alternatively adv. used to introduce a suggestion that is a second choice or possibility (引出第二种选择或可能的建议)要不,或者
  • roast v. [T, I] ~ (sth) to cook food, especially meat, without liquid in an oven or over a fire; to be cooked in this way 烘,烤,焙(肉等)
  • skewer v. ~ sth to push a skewer or other thin pointed object through sth 用扦子串住
  • grill v. cook (something) using a grill(在烤架上)烤炙
  • 金黄色 golden brown
  • aromatic adj. having a pleasant noticeable smell 芳香的;有香味的
  • 香料 aromatic spices
  • 孜然 cumin
  • powder n. [U, C] a dry mass of very small fine pieces or grains 粉末;细面
  • 辣椒粉 chili powder
  • 馒头在吃法上有很多花样:新鲜蒸制时,这本身就是一种乐趣;也能(将其切片后裹上蛋液,)下油锅煎炸;还能吃烧烤时点一份加着孜然和辣椒粉的烤馒头片,使其口感更上一层楼。
  • 金黄色指蛋液

According to the video, the label called it mantao, and described it as: “Made with wheat flour, yeast, and then steamed. The mantao has a smooth surface and a dense crumb. In the southern regions of the country, sugar and fat are added. A staple food, it comes in a variety of shapes, with the most common ones being round, leaf, flower.”

  • 小麦粉 wheat flour
  • 酵母 yeast
  • dense adj. closely compacted in substance 紧密的,浓密的
  • crumb n. mass noun the soft inner part of a loaf of bread 面包心
  • fat n. 油脂
  • 视频显示,馒头的标签为“mantao”,描述为:“用小麦面粉、酵母制成,而后蒸制。馒头表面光滑,组织紧密。在中国南方地区,会向馒头里加入糖和油脂。作为主食,馒头有各种各样的形状,最常见的是圆形、叶形和花形。”




“馒头”的制作大厨是广东厨师,“mantao”是因为吸收了粤语发音的精华。在粤语中馒头的拼音为 maan4 tau4,“馒”(maan4)的发音类似于普通话中的“满”,“头”(tau4)的发音类似于普通话中的“投”,不过声调是低降调。




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