2024-05-05 22:58
In early summer, croaking frogs linger in the fields, earthworms are busy scarifying the soil, vegetables and fruits grow vigorously — life clamors on.
- early summer 初夏
- croak v. [I] to make a rough low sound, like the sound a frog makes 发出(像青蛙的)低沉刺耳声;呱呱地叫
- linger v. [I] ( adv./prep.) to stay somewhere for longer because you do not want to leave; to spend a long time doing sth 流连;逗留;徘徊;花很长时间做(某事);磨蹭
- earthworm n. 蚯蚓
- scarify v. ~ sth to break up an area of grass, etc. and remove pieces of material from it that are not wanted 翻松(草地等)
- scarify the soil 松土
- vigorous adj. (of a plant) growing strongly(植物)茁壮的
- clamor v. [I] (of many people ) to shout loudly, especially in a confused way (尤指乱哄哄地)大声地喊叫,呼叫,喧哗
- 初夏,田间地头“听取蛙声一片”,蚯蚓忙着松土,蔬菜瓜果攀长,生命在喧哗。
In the wild, they look for woodland strawberries, fetch malantou (Indian aster). In Jiangnan, the region (south of the Yangtze River along its lower reaches), Brasenia schreberi, also known as watershields (a pond-growing herb), as well as luosi (river snails), are fresh and tasty.
- woodland strawberry 野草莓
- Jiangnan n. 古代的“江河”,就是指长江与黄河。而今天被我们称作“江南”的是长江下游地区,也就是 south of the Yangtze River along its lower reaches 长江下游以南
- the Yangtze River 长江
- lower reach 下游地段,下流
- herb n. 【植】草本植物
- river snail 田螺;螺蛳;河螺
- snail n. 蜗牛
- 鲜美 fresh and tasty
- 山野里,人们寻觅“野草莓”,俯身采摘马兰头;江南(水畔),莼菜、螺蛳正鲜美。
Some people also make colored rice with red beans, soybeans, black soya beans, peas and mung beans, among others, or dark rice using the juice of oriental blueberry leaves and glutinous rice.
- 五色饭 colored rice
- 红豆 red bean
- 大豆 soybean
- soya n. 大豆(作物);大豆食物
- 黑豆 black soya beans
- mung n. 绿豆,绿豆植物
- 绿豆,绿豆植物 mung bean
- 乌米 dark rice
- 乌叶 juice of oriental blueberry leave
- 糯米 glutinous rice
- 还有些人家用红豆、黄豆、黑豆、青豆和绿豆等煮成“五色饭”,或用乌叶和糯米做乌米饭。
To comply with nature, it is suggested that one takes a nap at noon, consumes less cold food and fewer iced drinks, and eats something bitter, such as gourds or lotus plumule.
- comply with be faithful to; obey; abide by 遵照;服从
- 顺应自然 comply with nature
- take a nap 小睡一下;打盹
- cold food 凉食
- 冷饮;冰镇饮料 iced drink
- n. 苦瓜 gourd
- lotus plumule 莲子心
- lotus n. 荷花,荷叶,莲饰
- plumule n. [植] 胚芽;绒羽
- 为了顺应自然,初夏不妨晌午打个盹儿,吃喝少油别贪凉,也可以吃点苦瓜、莲子心这样的“苦头”泻泻心火。