WR2024 [20240405]

You mean OP version? See hkreporter post. The link is blurred out by the OP, but if you clicked on the blur, it will clear and become a clickable link:

Thanks, but I mean your second modified version whose are you talking at #15.

Oh, I wasn’t talking about 2nd version there. I was explaining what I did to arrive at the 1st version.

Potential 2nd version features could be phrase / lemma extraction, but is not likely to be done. 1st version is adequate.

1 个赞

Right, thanks.

常用"double down"来检验一词典是否与时俱进与较全面。


he # 第0行
hello # 第1行
help # 第2行


with open('words.txt','r') as f:
    for idx, line in enumerate(f.readlines()):
        print(idx, line.strip()) # 打印行号,词头

爬取保存的时候,使用行号 idx 做为文件名:

with open(str(idx) + ".html", 'w') as f:
3 个赞


I will learn to clean the definition part first.
Maybe Oxford Collaboration Dictionary is enough for me. Not in my plan at this moment.

Unabridged is the same as Dictionary dot com. Collins is also available. I think a separate RHL learners will be good. thanks.

I’m trying to split these 3 dictionaries, but I’m still working on it because of my limited coding ability. :sweat_smile:

The 3 titles split with links are in the link at #4 楼。

RHL learners is one of the few dictionaries that teach words with reference to the root of it. Thank you for your efforts. Already perfect.

I updated the separted version of RHUD, RHLD at 1#. Give it a try.

1 个赞

20240328: 词头+内容去重,RHUD和RHLD的单独版本mdx




Please write codes here for hiding dictionary name at the top.

You can add below code into css file packed in mdd.

For hiding dictionary name

display: none

And for hiding separator line

display: none

I’ve updated css file into mdd already to hide both dictionary name and separator line.
It should work fine with the new mdd file.


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