Merriam-Webster's Thesaurus (2020) 2.22

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Merriam-Webster’s Thesaurus (2020).zip (30MB)

  • Redesigned the HTML/CSS for a more compact, scannable layout. From the 2020 crawl data shared on this site.
  • Example sentences for dictionary definitions and the “Choose the Right Word” explanations are hidden by default, as they are not part of the core thesauraus content. To view these, hover over the magnifying glass icon.
  • Originally, the core “Antonyms” appeared last; I moved them up front so they take precedence over the less relevant antonym groups. Core synonyms are now directly presented without headers. Headers are abbreviated as follows:
Abbr. Header
Syn nr Synonyms and Near Synonyms
Rel Related words
Phr Synonymous Phrases
Ant Antonyms
Ant nr Antonyms and Near Antonyms
nr Ant Near Antonyms
  • While “Related Words” and “Near Synonyms” are only of secondary relevance, they often occupy much more space than the core synonyms and antonyms. Therefore I have hidden their contents that exceed two sub-groups. This setting can be modified in line 60 of the CSS.
  • Entries: 50,658. Deleted 557 entries with duplicate content, and replaced them with redirects; restored 11 entries from the 2015 edition: bibliolator, bimbo, castoff, coma, femaleness, slatternly, slut, substance abuser, unenjoyable, uninflammable, white-haired.
  • Redirects: 4,000 for headword variants; 9,000 for orphaned synonyms.

The 50K entry count is grossly inflated, as more than half are plural forms of nouns, or various tenses of verbs. E.g., the headword weave reappears as weaves, weaving, wove, woven. Minus these substantive duplicates, the 2020 edition has roughly 3,000 more entries than the 2015 data crawl.

20 个赞


2 个赞
Abbr. Header
Syn nr Synonyms and Near Synonyms
Rel Related words
Phr Synonymous Phrases
Ant Antonyms
Ant nr Antonyms and Near Antonyms
nr Ant Near Antonyms


1 个赞


1 个赞

這mdx數據在本站下載的,我找不到地址了。文件名:mw_thes.mdx, 50 MB.
其 “:About” 只說:“Scrape data from”


現在 Merriam-Webster 網站改變了,thesaurus 內容簡略了。重新抓未必更好。
舊版劣點是內容膨脹,很多所謂 “related” words 不切題。但CSS過濾後,可以用。

7 个赞


MWT.css (4.2 KB)

5 个赞



MWT.css (4.7 KB)

5 个赞


1 个赞

發現CSS有一句衍文,也許影響了手機行為(PC 較寬容,所以我沒注意到)。更新了。

2 个赞


slough 條沒有序號,各個字目只有一個義項。

2 个赞


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1 个赞


MWT.css (4.9 KB)

4 个赞

It’s really beautiful. Thanks for every modification.
