Just markdown formatted text, with keyword marked like “####keyword” to facilitate search. Then the file is xz-compressed.
For files less than 15M (about 60M markdown text, which is enough for most dictionaries), xzless is fast enough to search.
For larger files like OED, and wikipedia, an extra index file is needed.
也就说,你把每个词条分割成独立的md文件(打包在一起),然后对这些独立的md文件用命令行进行检索;检索方式,可以直接对全文检索,也可以用一个特制的 index 文件进行检索,是这个意思吗?
Just one big md file with seperate media files. Ex. soed6 is a single 54M md file (uncompressed).
Just compressed with xz, not packaged. For mobile devices, it is much easier than PC with termux.
When images are needed, a browser shows the proper part of huge md file with hugetext viewer.
I used CHMs and still kept these books/documents.
MDXs are converted to md files, for OED & wikipedia, extra index file is still needed, a kind of dictionary tool is a must (I have my own tool called tdict, brotli-compressed md file with index file). Brotli is faster than xz to decompress.
For picture dictionary, I kept their original formats, pdf or djvu. Just directly jump to the right page automatically with other search tool like “look” (extra file to keep keyword-pageNum mapping).
在词典软件中:输入单词 > 下方随即出现匹配单词动态列表 > 回车后右边窗口出现解释 > 键盘上下键在动态列表上滚动 > 右边窗口随即自动更新为相应单词的释义。
If the queried word is available, the result appears directly. If not, the neighbor candidates are shown (infinitely scrollable and editable) , Click the right word to show the result. No realtime explanation when scrolling. Anyway, the tool is only 21K.
The attached file is for the wrong word “hii”.
- 你这个工具用什么写的?
tdict for android is available here (The second version is tdict that needs termux, the first version tdict_loc can be run in any android device without any prerequisite):
- Realtime prompt is only available when the typed word is not available (after hit enter).
- Yes
- C
You can edit it directly with uncompressed version.