OED now


  • [ o2022k.1.mdd and o2022k.2.mdd are offline voice packages, optional ]
  • you can also download o2022k.mdx from here.

Latest Update — Invalid date

118 个赞

what’s up!:green_heart: it must be the biggest news of the day!

5 个赞

楼主安装八个字体,你的iPhone 也是运行了八次捷径吗?:kissing:

9 个赞


7 个赞

Need to rename the files according to your OS.
OED2021android.css to OED2021.css for android.
OED2021ios to OED2021.css for iOS.

And likewise install the fonts as mentioned by OP in description.

11 个赞

多谢 karx!!!很漂亮!!!

android 欧陆 很好 很快 看上去没问题

测试了下golden dict, 跟上一歌oed 一样, 查常用词会查个15秒到一分钟, 查have 的第一次直接卡死。
css 也有点问题。 我css要自己修改下,会发到这里。以方便其他的同学。

3 个赞


5 个赞

:sweat_smile: 后面的 *8

打个经验补丁,每次运行完install font捷径,都必须跟着去device management 安装此字体。(意思是不能连续运行八次捷径,再去连着安装八次,不行)

然后,可能用font app(去app store下载个rightfont.app),字体安装文件会显示在“设置-通用-字体”中,
用捷径安装的字体,都会出现在 “setting - general - VPN & device management”,


it’s time to hit the hay :sleeping_bed:

4 个赞

字典看上去不错,可惜就是除了收藏用处不大。如果谁给英文报纸写专栏可能用的到 :joy:

3 个赞

用xiaoyifang 版GoldenDict没问题。

6 个赞


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3 个赞

多谢了,不过我发现不是你的mdx问题,而是我的goldendict的问题。 我原来用的的是official和nonwill的。 刚才我用了xiaoyifang webengine版GoldenDict(AUR, Maintainer: slbtty )确实没有问题了,而且查常用词 get, have 也不会卡。官方的goldendict 和nonwill的都会卡。同一个词have的截图没有了我上面帖子里重叠。多谢独行瞏瞏 提醒。

1 个赞

嗯,确实很玄学,官方goldendict 没什么问题 除了OED很卡,上一个小草的OED,和这次的OED.
现在用了 xiaoyifang webengine版GoldenDict 完全不卡了,而且排版也没问题了。
应该是官方goldendict 的原因,有这两个问题。

6 个赞

xiaoyifang webengine版GoldenDict 打开这个词典 每次都会重新索引,索引文件4M大。 其他词典第一次使用时建立索引后 就不会再建索引文件了。不知何故。难道是索引过大,每次程序索引到4M自动放弃, 但我有的文件索引 10M 都没问题。

2 个赞

Excellent work! I made a tab version with phrases (深度提取) below.
Ideally if you 1) keep audio tags intact (do not remove it) 2) insert the numeric id (the file name in original data) such as 1,2, 8 etc, as an attribute like <h1 class=“whole” id=“title” oedid=“123456”> the tabs will be sorted in chronological order. Currently sorted in order of appearance in your mdx, I will create one with audio (offline and online) and correct tab order.

Sorry no GD support here. The content is valid html, so it is puzzling to me why GD doesn’t work.

4 个赞

There are 8341 places where the jump link dead-ends into “nonono”.
Can you fix that? I didn’t find any id which doesn’t have a matching headword, as “nonono” represents a mismatch.


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2 个赞

the problem u raised will be fixed. and, could u give me the offline audio file please?

3 个赞

thank u for ur work! i will merge it into my code in appropriate way

5 个赞