MyMemory (English to Kurdish)

MyMemory Dictionary

MyMemory Dictionary is the world’s largest Translation Memory. Here we parsed the English to Kurdish dictionary from its website: MyMemory Dictionary.


Download and install the required and recommended software / apps for using MDict dictionary format (.mdx / .mdd) dictionary data.

Dictionary Files

Each dictionary might have one, two or more files which should include a MDX, a MDD (might not included), a CSS and finally an icon for the dictionary.


  • .MDX, .MDD and the icon (.png, .jpg, etc.) should have the same name.

  • CSS file SHOULD NOT be renamed

Download MDX

Download MDD (N/A)

Download CSS

Download Dictionary Icon

Used Fonts

Quicksand Font

Vazir Font

Usage Instructions

How to transfer dictionary files into your device?

Mobile users:

iOS (iPhone / iPad ) users can use “File sharing” function of iTunes to transfer files into devices.

Android users should put dictionary files into /mnt/sdcard/mdict/doc directory, or assign the path in “Preference->extra dictionary path”.

Windows & MacOS Users:

MDict (ONLY Windows) users need to follow below rules:

  1. Unzip the package.
  2. Open MDict.exe
  3. On top menu select Library/Library Manager
  4. Select Import Library and browse to the downloaded folder.
  5. Click OK.

GoldenDict users need to follow below rules:

  1. Unzip the package.
  2. Open GlodenDict.exe
  3. On top menu select Edit/Dictionaries
  4. On Sources tab, click Add button and browse to the downloaded folder and click Select Folder and tick the checkbox beside the downloaded folder location.
  5. click on Apply, then OK.


Contact me

I hope you like this dictionary. Feel free to reach out if you have questions or if you want to contribute in any way:


MyMemory Dictionary is available under the MIT license.


Thank you very much Dolan ! Your dictionaries are beautiful ! I recommend you to create an account on FreeMDict Cloud to get 5 Gib to store your dictionaries :smiley:

I will create a Folder with Kurdish Dictionaries on our large Collection:

We have a large collection of dictionaries that want to expand as much as possible. Thanks for joining us in this forum ! Welcome :smiley:

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Thank you! That would be great then! I can upload them there!
I have Dictionaries on Kurdish, Persian, Arabic, Korean. I recommend to have all of them as category. And It would be so helpful if we had an English version of the website/forum.

Thank you!

Dear Friend,

I added a folder called “KURDISH” to all our large collection of almost 200 GiB in dictionaries. Please check again:

I have Dictionaries on Kurdish, Persian, Arabic, Korean. I recommend to have all of them as category.

We don’t have any Persian or Arabic Dictionaries. We would be very happy if you could share a link with us (publicly on this thread or via private message).

Also, we have a folder called KOREAN. Please check it. If you find it incomplete, and you can add to that collection, please also share with us a link to your Korean Collection.

We are striving to make FreeMDict a more English-friendly place and to create a single collection with >50 languages (all freely available). Thanks for your cooperation.

And It would be so helpful if we had an English version of the website/forum.

The admin @hua might be able to provide “English” equivalents in the Category Section. Would it be possible ? Currently it is only on Chinese and that makes a little daunting the website.

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Sorry, currently it is not possible. It is some constraint in Discourse software.

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