The Oxford Dictionary of Idioms 4th 提取词组版本

The Oxford Dictionary of Idioms 4ed.mdx (1.3 MB)

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Description: "John Ayto <br />
Over 10,000 entries <br /><br />
What is it to ‘cock a snook’? Where is the land of Nod? Who was first to go the extra mile? Find the answers to these questions (and many more!) in the new edition of the Oxford Dictionary of Idioms.<br /><br />
This dictionary uncovers the meanings of myriad phrases and sayings that are used daily in the English language, encompassing more than 10,000 figurative expressions, similes, sayings, and proverbs. More than 400 idioms have been added to this new edition, and comprise recently coined and common sayings alike. New additions include ‘back of the net’, ‘drag and drop’, ‘go it alone’, ‘how come?’, ‘if you ask me’, ‘make your skin crawl’, and ‘wind your neck in’.<br /><br />
Illustrative quotations sourced from the Oxford Corpora give contextual examples of the idioms and their standard usage, and many entries include background information on the origins of the idiom in question. An updated thematic index makes for easy navigation, and anyone who is interested in the origins and diversity of English vernacular will have hours of fun browsing this fascinating dictionary.<br /><br />
Publisher: Oxford University Press<br />
Print Publication Date: 2020<br />
Print ISBN-13: 9780198845621<br />
Published online: 2020<br />
Current Online Version: 2020<br />
DOI: 10.1093/acref/9780198845621.001.0001<br />
eISBN: 9780191880759 <br />
来源 PDAWIKI,经过 freemdict 网友修正词头:<br />
mowang,炊爱牛,dictsun,dictionaryfan,123<br />
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本帖版本修订历史(截止20220828)<br />
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hkreporter[基于mdict6提供的tdio strip key,查到词条重复的原因是缺了一个标签&lt;/&gt;,修复该错误并恢复Hua版描述]"
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