Duden-Wissensnetz deutsche Sprache 2024/02/01


Duden-Wissensnetz deutsche Sprache.7z.001 (20 MB)
Duden-Wissensnetz deutsche Sprache.7z.002 (20 MB)
Duden-Wissensnetz deutsche Sprache.7z.003 (20 MB)
Duden-Wissensnetz deutsche Sprache.7z.004 (6.2 MB)

8 个赞

Vielen Dank!

Great job dear Friend! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Thank you very much…!

I will try to hire someone to improve the .css styling ! Would you be interested in this job @Existentialismus ? or my friends @dedict @hazemk537 ? :smiley:

Kind regards from Southern Germany…! :heart:

P.S. It would be ideal to edit the HTML to create a table with the “declensions” as the German Wiktionary does. For example:


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Would you be interested in this job ? :moneybag: @amob @dolanskurd @hashirama @Shuibogo

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Could you please provide the original (raw) HTML or .txt file used to compile the mdx? @amob

If my understanding is correct, we need to:

  1. Obtain the original HTML file
  2. Edit the HTML file to include tables to show the declensions (nouns and verbs)
  3. Edit the .css file to improve the whole styling of the dictionary (ideally adding a couple of colors).
  4. Convert the new HTML file into .mdx format

Instructions to extract HTML source from .mdx files:

There are several tools in this forum to convert HTML into .mdx dictionaries and vice versa. The most difficult task is to edit the “source text” via a programming language to insert tables into the dictionary.

Currently, the verb conjugations and the noun “declensions” are not readable.

You are so enthusiastic about this dictionary that I decide to continue to refine it. Just wait for some time. It might need great effort.
If you want the original html, try mdxexport or mdict-utils to unpack the mdx.

3 个赞

I’m curious what fonts are more popular and attractive for use in German? And what font is used on the Duden website? The dictionary I made haphazardly uses Apple’s default font SF PRO, which is similar to Helvetica.

The most beautiful German Dictionary is the “DWDS” and it seems to use “Source Sans Pro”.

The Duden online seems to use a proprietary font (ad hoc). The firefox extension “Font Finder” is not able to identify that font!

I believe that using “Source Sans” as the “DWDS Dictionary” would be a good idea! It seems more readable than the default Font from Apple.

What do you think, dear friends ? @amob @Wankata :smiley:

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I agree; it doesn’t really matter what the font is, the important thing is that it renders well on all kinds of devices.

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Thank you for letting me know my friend. I am afraid to say that I am busy more than usual these days. Otherwise I would be happy to help. :fire::pray:

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I’m a computer novice and I did my best to create this poor CSS style, hoping everyone will like it. I didn’t come up with a good way to turn declensions into a table, as it’s too complicated and my poor Python skills can’t support me to continue. Still, on the bright side, I’ve indexed all declensions and idioms, though roughly.

Duden-Wissensnetz deutsche Sprache.7z.001 (20 MB)
Duden-Wissensnetz deutsche Sprache.7z.002 (20 MB)
Duden-Wissensnetz deutsche Sprache.7z.003 (20 MB)
Duden-Wissensnetz deutsche Sprache.7z.004 (8.9 MB)

Latest update: 2024-01-26T23:48:00Z

3 个赞

It’s much, much better, thank you!

Mirror by us: FreeMdict Cloud

Many of the nouns are written in lower case, others still have obvious mistakes, e.g. Garküche/Garkuchen - it’s not the same thing.

图中,我加了一句display: block,这样一目了然


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感谢您的杰出工作 Thanks for your great sharing spirit! :heart:

It is quite motivating to see so enthusiastic members in the forum! I really appreciate all your hard work and willingness to help others…! This is a great community!

You did a perfect job considering the difficulties of the task!

@hua I propose to add our friend @amob as Admin in the forum. Such passion among contributors is worth gold! :1st_place_medal:

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The new styling is a real piece of art ! You are awesome @amob ! :1st_place_medal:

The conjugations are not a “big problem” because it is possible to use the “German Wiktionary” in .mdx format simultaneously with this dictionary.

Both dictionaries complement to each other!

Again…! Thanks for your effort and please keep up your good work @amob ! Have a nice day! :smiley:

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Small Improvements to mdx and css.




  • Add display:block to DEKLINATIONEN’s css to optimize its display.
  • Change the font weight and font color of the example sentence because mobile devices render them faintly.
  • Change the font color of the Part of Speech box.


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Dear @amob , you are a real hero! I did notice those small problems on DictTango but I was uncapable of “complaining”. The .css style was really good and now is even better.

I am deeply grateful for your kind work.

@Wankata and me contribute in the forum maintaining a “small” collection of dictionaries:

I hope you could also benefit from our little contribution in this forum! I am a medical doctor and currently I am struggling to recognize my degree in Germany. Therefore, I cannot spend months learning Python, HTML and .css right now but this community is so great, that we help each other with our strengths.

Thanks again for your great patience and work @amob

If you ever visit Germany, please let me know to invite you a dinner ! :smiley:

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