【已完结】 SIO双向双解词典v3.3

Thank you for sharing!

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Glad to share it :relaxed:

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Hi, please allow me to ask you a question.
The tabbed version of CSS you made is very good, but it doesn’t seem to link the MDD File shared by #661?
I guess I need to make any other changes to the tabbed CSS?

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The original css is copied verbatim into the uniquely named wcct.css (which the tabbed mdx references/links to). Make sure to modify that one instead for it to be picked up by the tabbed mdx. I kept the names unique to avoid collisions. You can paste the contents of css from #661 into that css (overwrite the existing css of course)
Look for “/START dictionary specific CSS/” to paste over. Do not delete the lines above this marker.

The original MDD can be reused without any modification or repackaging.

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Thank you for such a timely response!
My steps are as follows:

  1. I tried to download the CSS from #661; copy and paste its code into wcct.css, and keep the code which can implement the tab feature.
  2. The font is changed and the tag feature is still alive, however, the pronunciation can not be invoked when querying words.
  3. I changed the MDD file name to be the same as the MDX file name, not working.
    Is there a step I am missing?

Anyway, even if you can’t reproduce the problem I described, I would still greatly appreciate the file you provided and your detailed answer.

You are welcome. I think the css problem is resolved.
The audio in the mdx contains ogg format like so:

<audio id="music266"> <source src="en/TopQuark/aaas.opus" type="audio/ogg"> </audio> <button onmousedown="document.getElementById('music266').play(); return false;" onmouseover="" >UK</button>

But the mdd which I can find contains mp3 files like so:
<a href="mdx://mdict.cn/sound/5188089/en/Atalina/take.mp3">US</a>

Therefore the problem is mismatched data format (apparently there are two totally different mdd+mdx combos, one for mp3, another for ogg audio formats)

My guess is that the possible causes are

  1. mismatched mdd - audio file format
  2. ogg file not supported by operating system or browser engine.
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tabbed MDX based on SIO双向双解词典v3.3

Audio mdd and original mdx here from which mdx above is derived.

“freemdict.com_SIO双向双解词典最终版” doesn’t seem to come with audio mdd.

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Thank you for your follow-up!

Your explanation makes total sense for me. It’s probably that my MDD does not match the MDX. I’ll try those two files you shared again with your modified CSS.

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谢谢解释。我找到了ogg mdd,没注意体积。但是貌似没法解压,不知道播放ogg为啥失败。既然内容一样,就不担心了。

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你好,没有小改以前的那个宋体的 css能补一下链接吗,很喜欢这个字体,感觉阅读效率高。

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:face_with_peeking_eye: 这部词典我没在用了,源文件已经找不到了


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SIO双向双解词典 v3.3下载连接失效了,求新的连接 :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

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