German Phonetic Dictionary ( IPA transcriptions )

"German Phonetic Dictionary - IPA Transcriptions

Number of entries: 1.074.587

Format: .mdx (for GoldenDict PC / " DictTango" on Android / MDict on iOS)

Data scraping by: @tovaremeterio and Xu Yinuo
.mdx compilation: Xu Yinuo

Example entry:


Thanks to @dedict for the style improvement (see comment below).

Description: International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) transcriptions from Wiktionary, DWDS, (Beolingus) and OpenDict ( Releases · open-dict-data/ipa-dict · GitHub ).

  • The most reliable transcriptions are those from DWDS and German Wiktionary. They are manually created and reviewed.
  • Transcriptions from FreeDict and OpenDict are massively created via computer software and might be inaccurate.

Also check the German MASTER Collection (> 200 dictionaries):

Please join the QQ group of Xu Yinuo for a Complete collection of German Dictionaries:
武汉大学德语系 许一诺 重新排版.

QQ群号:464274022 因主群人数将满,请新群友加入【Mdict德语词典克隆群】。两个群的资料数量是一样的,将来日常更新内容也完全一致。)

5 个赞

Danke schön! Das ist sehr praktisch.

2 个赞


1 个赞

Wiktionary’s transcriptions don’t work fine: the gaps are two large, and diacritics don’t show as expected. Is there any solution to this?

The gaps are introduced by the script that we used:

The script introduces a “space” between letters and some diacritics are lost. I sent the data to a friend (Xu Yinuo) as obtained from the script. Afterwards I noticed the problem and compiled a version in .dsl format without the extra gaps:

I do not know how to edit .mdx files. If you are able to do it, it should be possible to remove those gaps.

I only scraped the data and Xu Yinuo compiled the .mdx. He might be able to help us… Let’s wait for his reply here.

I am Xu Yinuo. I fixed the space problem in the wiktionary pronunciation.

3 个赞

@dedict Thank you very much again ! I am glad to see you on FreeMDict Forum.

Dear Xu, we should promote FreeMDict among learners of German :slight_smile:

PDAWiki is dying and even new registrations are suspended.

The admin of FreeMDict @hua is very generous and open minded. A great admin makes a great forum. :clap:

2 个赞