OALD 10 edition ver.8 with offline pronunciation

I’d be much grateful and indebted if you any one here could help me get a direct link of Oald 10 Ver.8 or latest version (mdx and mdd files) with offline audio sentence pronunciation. .
I don’t know how to deal with Baidu .
If there is a link on google drive or any easy to deal with hosting site or telegram ,I’d be grateful to you.
Thanks in advance.



try it


Million thanks my brother. You have showered me with your kindness and generosity. I won’t forget your favour as long as I live.
One more favour please, how can I hide chinese characters from the dictionary like this picture.please.

Thanks in advance.

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You may have to ask for help, I don’t know much about this.

Please share this link again?

The same request…

Would you please share once more if you could?

link’s down

edit oald.js, see if there is any related customization to change.
you may need to translate the code comments.

链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1pANP9pyctxyHlCQh9pG23A 提取码:b6vv