How to add Deepl translation to Goldendict?

The syntax of the link to translate the word xxx from French to English is

For example,

Then I set up Goldendict as follows.

But it does not work.

Could you please elaborate on this problem?

It can work.

This is my configuration:


Have you configured anything other than the link in tab Websites?

Works too.

Just wait for a moment?

Just add the dict to some group.

I use the newest version GoldenDict++OCR-2A2D-Qt-5.9.9-msvc-16.9.4-x64-20210510 downloaded from GoldenDict - OneDrive ( It seems the problem pertains to this version.

You are right. Same problem on this version…

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I’ve tried to add Google Translate but also failed.

I’ve received the reply from the author ^^

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Can you provide me with the link to download the version you’re currently using?


Qt 5.12.3-based 64-bit build (7z)

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照猫画虎,中到英后面是否是 zh/en/%GDWORD%