Merriam-Webster Dictionary Online(2020)

I tabbed it long ago with a smaller mdd:

10 个赞

Thank you so much for your help! The sizes of both mdd and mdx are smaller. Are the content still the same?

2 个赞

The contents are the same. The mtext compression results in smaller mdx, and I also dedupe identical tabs, further reducing size. The audio is reduced as well. The size reduction also comes from deleting useless html tags.

1 个赞

Thank you so much for your work! I hope future releases will not compress the audio files :v

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I updated the audio mdd. Now at 160MB, down from the original 926MB, with no discernible quality difference. Try it, you might be surprised (I was)

3 个赞

I have used your new mdd and there are no sound and image :smile:

Could you please upload the original mdd to the forum?

Sorry I messed up, don’t have time to fix it, so I restored the audio/picture mdd I made earlier.

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如果有时间,能把Choose the Right Synonym 和 Examples in a Sentence 也标签化,就更方便了,哈哈。

多谢 meandmyhomies

4 个赞

不客气,好用就好! :smiley:

1 个赞

Click>About This Dictionary>Description:保留着原作者 小草=LiG99=137299

137299 是QQ号?

1 个赞

The image .mdd at 367MB now is uploaded.
The Audio 1.mdd at 926MB is too big, I dropped it down to 258MB. This time correctly :slight_smile:
Audio fidelity between the two is indistinguishable to human ears.

4 个赞

Could you upload the original 926MB file to the forum? I would love to see the difference.

You need the original mdx to go with the 1.mdd because it uses wav files.
Unfortunately I have run out of spaces to fit that file.
Someone else would have to do the upload. Or, you can get it on

4 个赞

Thank you so much for your reply :grinning:

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PM me to get more space if needed.

4 个赞

Thank you @hua!

4 个赞

Finally uploaded:FreeMdict Cloud
Files - FreeMdict Cloud

7 个赞

请教 meandmyhomies,这个跟您上面的 Merriam-Webster Dictionary Online(2020) - #46,来自 meandmyhomies #46楼的比,好像大了很多,内容上有什么变化吗?

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4 个赞

(在欧路, MDict 测试没有问题)

macOS: 11.5.1
GoldenDict: 1.5.0-RC2-372
(在 GoldenDict-v22.6.22-alpha.220710.19ee6bbe 中也有这个问题)
音频: 内置 FFmepg + libao