Anyone has the lastest OALD 10 MDX format dictionary?

OALD 10 Android Version 1.0.4227. Who has the MDX version of this Dictionary. If anyone has it, Please share it. It will greatly be appreciated

I have this dictionary in MDX format. A couple of months ago, Oxford updated their dictionary on user demand including entries like coronavirus and related term. I would love to have this dictionary. The one available at PDAWiki is obsolete. I am looking for the updated version. If anybody here has possession of this dictionary, kindly share it with us. It will be appprecaited greatly. And sorry for using English. I am a foreigner and do not know Chinese.


Edited title because it was too long.

Feel free to use English here.

I am afraid that there is no MDX format with the latest OALD10 content.


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看来我获取链接为时已晚。 你能再次提供共享链接吗? 抱歉我用翻译器用中文写的词的选择

Found it here:

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I have the latest OALD 10 app. I can give it to you if you need it. It has collocations and a thesuaurs.


Thanks, buddy. I found the updated version already :slight_smile:


It’s a pleasure, buddy. You’ve been more than generous here.

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