已解决, 应该清除缓存
你好大佬,我改了 js,开了英文点译,然后折叠了浅蓝色荧光区,但是这样就出现了一个问题,展开的时候只能点击右边荧光标记的一个小角才能展开,很难操作老是会变成显示中文,求问怎么可以让蓝色荧光区变长一点或者可以直接点这一行就能展开,真的很想要点译也想一开始都是折叠状态
大佬我改成全部折叠之后,双击展开的时候,第一次双击会展开动词形式和下面的动词词组和习语,第二次再双击才会展开每条意思,然后再双击一次就所有内容都展开了,再双击就会折叠到显示每条意思,没办法折叠回最初的状态(蓝色荧光条),有没有办法可以不要展开 verb forms 和 idiom 这几个,而且能折叠回到最开始全都折叠的样子呢
发现一个bug,欧路iPad查词自动发音bat单词,发音会念’B’ ‘A’ ‘T’,单击软件界面发音和词典音标喇叭才会读’bat’,请问大佬这个是什么原因呢
用不了百度网盘,请问能否像Oxford Dictionaries 2024一样,在Google Drive也上传一份?多谢!
Could you upload your dictionary to Google Drive? Your design of layout is highly aesthetic.
Thank youv very much
would you please let us know how to hide Chinese translation?
I have the same request…
There are two ways to do this.
The first method is to directly edit the JS file. Look at the beginning of the file for a setting called showTranslation—it’s the first configuration item. To hide any Chinese text, set its value to 0.
The second method is to search for the entry oaldpeconfig in your dictionary app. However, the configuration page will be entirely in Chinese, so you might need to translate it.
it was not enough just to set the value to 0 for me and i should have clicked on “O10” after that as well
Thank you very much for your dedication and hard work. Your detailed instruction works perfectly fine.
As in this comment of your ODE 2024, could you make Dark Mode (DM) in GoldenDict-ng determined by the software preferences rather than being affected by the system appearance?
What is the difference between mdd 1 and mdd 3? Are both necessary?