

自Fowler 兄弟自1911年出版 “Concise Oxford Dictionary” 后,这本辞书很长时间都是家喻户晓的公认权威之作,并简称为COD。但自从书名改为Concise Oxford English Dictionary后,这本知名词典已经沦为“一本巨大的单词书”,“失去助力语言学习的效果”。下面用一个常见的单词climb,给大家一个直观感受。每个版本的差异用黑体表示。


climb (-īm) v.t. & i. (past climbed & archaic clomb pr. -ōm), & n. Ascend, mount, go up, (t. & i.) esp. with help of hands; c. down (t. & i.), descend (cliff &c., or abs.) similarly, (intr.) retreat from position taken up, give in; (of sun &c.) go slowly up; (of plants) get support by tendrils or twining from tree, trellis, &c.; slope upwards; rise by effort in social rank, intellectual or moral strength, &c.; climbing-iron, spikes attachable to boot for climbing trees or ice slopes; hence climbABLE (-ma-) a. (N.) piece of climbing (c. down, abandonment of declared intention), place (to be) climbed. [cf. G klimmen; prob. cogn. W. CLEAVE2].

作为1911年的第一版,释义为完整一段,没有任何划分。使用了 &c 的缩写。该符号有时表示当前entry词(climb)的重复,有时表示etc.的含义。


climb (-īm) v.t. & i. (past climbed & archaic clomb pr. -ōm), & n. Ascend, mount, go up, (t. & i.) esp. with help of hands; c. down (t. & i.), descend (cliff &c., or abs.) similarly, (intr.) retreat from position taken up, give in; (of sun, aeroplane, &c.) go slowly up; (of plants) get support by tendrils or twining from tree, trellis, &c.; slope upwards; rise by effort in social rank, intellectual or moral strength, &c.; climbing-iron, spikes attachable to boot for climbing trees or ice slopes; hence climbABLE (-ma-) a. (N.) piece of climbing (c. down, abandonment of declared intention), place (to be) climbed. [cf. G klimmen; prob. cogn. W. CLEAVE2].



climb (-īm) v.t. & i. (past ~ed & arch. clomb pr. -ōm), & n. 1. Ascend, mount, go up, (t. & i.) esp. with help of hands; ~ down (t. & i.), descend (cliff etc., or abs.) similarly, (intr.) retreat from position taken up, give in; (of sun, aeroplane, etc.) go slowly up; (of plants) get support by tendrils or twining from tree, trellis, etc.*; slope upwards; rise by effort in social rank, intellectual or moral strength, etc.; ~ing-iron, spikes attachable to boot for ~ing trees or ice slopes; hence clī’mbABLE (-ma-) a. 2. n. Piece of ~ing (~-down, abandonment of declared intention), place (to be) ~ed. [cf. G klimmen; prob. cogn. W. CLEAVE2].

在第COD4中,最大的改变是 1. 采用了标号,但是这里的标号是以词性为标准;2. 实用~ 和etc. 符号代替难懂的 &c. 。


climb (-īm) v.t. & i. (past ~ ed & arch. clomb pr. -ōm), & n. 1. Ascend, mount, go up, (t. & i.) esp. with help of hands; ~ down (t. & i.), descend (cliff etc., or abs.) similarly, (intr.) retreat from position taken up, give in; (of sun, aeroplane, etc.) go slowly up; (of plants) get support by tendrils or twining from tree, trellis, etc.; slope upwards; rise by effort in social rank, intellectual or moral strength, etc.; ~ing-iron, spikes attachable to boot for ~ing trees or ice slopes; hence clī’mbABLE (-ma-) a. 2. n. piece of ~ing (~-down, abandonment of declared intention), place (to be) ~ed. [OE climban , (M)Du., (M)LG klimmen , OHG klimban (G klimmen ), f. WG klimban f. nasalized var. of klibh- CLEAVE2]



clīmb (-īm) v. (arch. past clomb pr. -ōm), & n. 1. v.t. & i. Ascend, mount, go up, (often with help of hands); ~ down, descend (cliff etc., or abs.) similarly, retreat from position taken up, give in (so ~-down n.); 2. v.i. (Of sun, aeroplane, etc.) go upwards; (of plant) grow upwards with support by tendrils or twining from tree, trellis, etc.; slope upwards; rise by effort in social rank, intellectual or moral strength, etc. 3. ~’ing-frame, structure of joined pipes etc. for children to climb on; ~’ ing-iron, spikes attachable to boot for climbing trees or ice slopes. 4. Hence ~’ ABLE (-ma-) a. 5. n. Ascent by climbing; place (to be) ~ed. [OE climban, = M Du., MLG klimmen, OHG klimban f. WG klimban f. nasalized var. of klibhan CLEAVE2]



climb /klaɪm/ v. & n. - v. 1 tr. & intr. (often foll. by up) ascend, mount, go or come up. esp. by using one’s hands. 2 intr. (of a plant) grow up a wall, tree, trellis, etc. by clinging with tendrils or by twining. 3 intr. make progress from one’s own efforts, esp. in social rank, intellectual or moral strength, etc. 4 intr. (of an aircraft, the sun, etc.) go upwards. 5 intr. slope upwards. - n. 1 an ascent by climbing. 2 a place, esp. a hill, climbed or to be climbed. b a recognized route up a mountain etc. □ climb down 1 descend with the help of one’s hands. 2 withdraw from a stance taken up in argument, negotiation, etc. climb-down n. such a withdrawal. climbing-frame a structure of joined bars etc. for children to climb on. climbing-iron a set of spikes attachable to a boot for climbing trees or ice slopes. □ □ climbable adj. [OE climban f. WG. Rel. to CLEAVE2]


  1. 不再使用~的省略符号,所有的单词都完整表示。
  2. 使用国际音标。
  3. 对于词性和含义进行整理,全部重新编号。
  4. 调整了部分含义的顺序。
  5. 缩减了词源信息。
  6. 合成词不再出现在义项中,而是单独出现在词条最后。
  7. 原来隐藏在解释中的用法被正式提出(如第一个义项中,在COD早期版本,go up 的斜体表示可以搭配,即 climb up = go up。而在该版本中正式正式说明为 often foll. by up


climb /klaɪm/ v. & n.v. 1 tr. & intr. (often foll. by up) ascend, mount, go or come up. Esp. by using one’s hands. 2 intr. (of a plant) grow up a wall, tree, trellis, etc. by clinging with tendrils or by twining. 3 intr. Move along by grasping or clinging; go with effort; clamber (climbed across the ditch; climbed into bed). 4 intr. make progress in social rank, intellectual or moral strength, etc. 5 intr. (of an aircraft, the sun, etc.) go upwards. 6 intr. slope upwards. ● n. 1 an ascent by climbing. 2 a place, esp. a hill, climbed or to be climbed. b a recognized route up a mountain etc. □ climb down 1 descend with the help of one’s hands. 2 withdraw from a stance taken up in argument, negotiation, etc. climb into put on (clothes).climbable adj. [Old English climban from West Germanic, related to CLEAVE2]

COD9是“基于OED的COD系列的完结之作”,这个版本把两个合成词(climb frame和climb iron)从主词条中移除,并作为单独的词条。此外词源中的缩写说明也换成了完整单词。

可以看到从COD1~COD9以来,虽然词条含义进行了修订,但是整体差异不大。但是从COD10开始,不再使用OED为底本,而是使用计算机对词频进行研究而产生的New Oxford Dictionary of English (后续版本称为 Oxford Dictionary of English,ODE)作为底本。以下是COD12(目前最新版)中的解释。

COD 12

climb ■ v. 1 go or come up (a slope, stairs, etc.) ►rise or slope upwards ►(of a plant) grow up (a structure) 2 move with effort into or out of somewhere 3 increase or rise in scale, value, or status 4 (climb down) Brit. Withdraw from a position taken up in argument or negotiation ■ n. 1 an instance of climbing; an ascent ►a recognized route up a mountain or cliff 2 a rise in status or increase in value

—— PHPASES be climbing the walls informal feel frustrated and trapped

——DERIVATIVES climbable adj. climber n. climbing n.

——ORIGIN OE climban, of W. Gmc origin; rel. to CLAY and CLEAVE2


  1. 使用主含义 + 子含义的说明形式,义项大幅减少且简化(如表示太阳、飞机的“爬升”,表示在社会“往上爬”的含义,都被隐含在里面)
  2. 用词简单,更加接近学习型词典的难度(在之前的版本中有trellis、 tendrils、twining、clamber、ditch等相对难一些的词汇)
  3. 只有Verb / Noun的划分,不再有及物、不及物,此外 climb 后面可接up的说明也去除了。但是一个短语作为单独的部分放在释义后面。
  4. climb组成的动词短语和合成词都作为单独词条了。
  5. 词源中再次回归了缩写形式。
  6. 对于简单词汇,不再标注音标。


