Macmillan British English 词组+派生+俚语完整提取 2020/4/5


1 个赞

keyword is longer than 1024
有一条数据内容过长了,可能< / >漏了或者它的前后有空格。


Title:Macmillan Dictionary – British English edition<br />
The British English edition of was launched in 2009, but its real beginning dates back to 2002 when the award-winning Macmillan English Dictionary (MED), was published.<br />
You can set the default option to British English on the Options page.<br />
Macmillan Dictionary gives comprehensive information about both British English and American English. If you select British English as your default setting, you will see entries which use British spelling and show British pronunciation.<br />
You can switch from British English to American English and vice versa using the link at the end of each entry. Some definitions may also contain a brief comment about the difference between British English and American English uses of the word.<br />
Key features<br />
The dictionary is specially designed to help learners of English to understand and use English, and be more aware of how English works.<br />
The most frequent 7,500 words in English are shown in red, graded with stars, and explained with extra detail to provide support.<br />
The dictionary is frequently updated to capture new words and phrases entering the English language.<br />
British and American differences are clearly labelled<br />
Help with understanding language<br />
Meaning menus take the user straight to the right meaning<br />
Subject-specific vocabulary, World English and encyclopaedic entries are included<br />
Clear definitions using the most common words explain what words mean<br />
Help with using language<br />
More detailed information is provided about the most frequent 7,500 words which are shown in red<br />
Collocation boxes list thousands of strong collocates – words that often go together<br />
Metaphor boxes explain how familiar words combine to have metaphorical meanings<br />
Usage notes on style, grammar and varieties of English are included<br />
Useful links<br />
You might like to visit these pages to find out more about Macmillan Dictionary and its content and features:<br />
Fun language quizzes<br />
Advice on spelling<br />
Real Grammar: videos & blog posts<br />
Real Vocabulary: videos & blog posts<br />
Real World English: videos & blog posts<br />
More about Macmillan Dictionary<br />
More Informatioans<br />
Encoding: UTF-8<br />
Key case sensitive: No<br />
Strip Key: Yes<br />
Key case sensitive:No<br />
RequiredEngineVersion: 2.0(MdxBuilder3.0)<br />
<br />
词典特色<br />
1. 基于官网Brtish English版本制作,数据截止日期2019年3月31日,整合后的词条总数为68995条。之所以取british版是我已经用美传作为主力词典之一了,而且英语版词条数多一些。<br />
2. 全部资源离线化,文字、图片、语音等。<br />
3. 包括open dictionary所有内容<br />
4. 包括thesaurus所有内容<br />
5. 包括buzzword,约600多个! <br />
6. 包含当前官网上500多幅图(主要是国旗、颜色、动植物),同时也把原先学习词典版本中的700多幅图整合了进来。<br />
7. 整合展示离线英音(蓝喇叭)及美音(红喇叭)<br />
8. 词条整合,官网中不同词性算不同词条,如pardon分pardon_1、pardon_2、pardon_3三个词条,本词典整合到一起只算一个,同时buzzWord也进行了整合。<br />
9. 尽可能完美的实现了页内及跨页跳转。由于词条整合,这个难度比较大,手机端ebdic效果最好,桌面存在部分小问题……而且官网上存在非常多的坏链或无效跳转(因为词条释义在不断扩充,但跳转锚点标记很多没同步更新),我已经进行了大量修正,不过需要语义环境才能判断的无效跳转暂时放弃没有处理。<br />
10. 虽然是英语词典,但最大程度的整合了美语词典(Ameican English)独特内容,包括3000+词条、100+thesaurus 及 全部的美语发音。<br />
gzq830510<br />
16 April 2019<br />
<br />
部分双解版简介:<br />
此为“部分双解版”,提取原双解的中文匹配到2019版。(有一些例句的翻译其实是词组的翻译,原双解版就是这样,没办法,不影响使用。新词、新义没有翻译)<br />
制作基础<br />
1、Macmillan British English 2019(麦克米伦英语词典)——离线整合版<br />
2、麦克米伦高阶英汉双解词典<br />
有问题可到 反馈<br />
更新说明<br />
11-10 [更新css、mdx文件]<br />
词头扩充:69754 → 120920;修复一些排版bug<br />
11-20 [更新css、js、mdx文件]<br />
匹配部分单词同义义项的翻译<br />
修正部分单词总结和用法的匹配错误<br />
11-30 [更新mdx文件]<br />
词头扩充:120920→ 121663 (增加类似 the Irish 这样的词头)<br />
调整同义词词条匹配逻辑,修正部分同义词词条的匹配错误<br />
增加匹配部分单词同义义项的翻译<br />
12-7 [更新mdx文件]<br />
修正释义匹配逻辑,增加部分释义翻译<br />
拆分mdd文件(.mdd为图片、.1.mdd为音频)<br />
2020-3-13 [更新mdx文件]<br />
修复部分词头错误(如含有html标签等)<br />
修复部分翻译错误(viral、Whitsun)<br />
abc<br />
13 March 2020 <br />


部分双解切换版说明(完整提取词组、俚语、派生及变形):<br />
词头共计123450(含69748个基础词头+6379个提取的词组、俚语、派生及变形+47323去重后的跳转)<br />
相关说明<br />
点击词头收起例句;<br />
点击右上角Macmillan图标显示所有中译;<br />
点击英文右侧空白处若有中译则显示。<br />
Arlin<br />
5 April 2020<br />

能检查出来是哪一行的问题吗?错误截图里 position 372057155 这一处在哪?

Css 能否分享一下

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(出处: 掌上百科 - PDAWIKI)

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