最近在看一些俚语词典,发现UD虽然内容很新很多但质量比较参差,于是论坛找了一下发现有Green Dictionary of Slang,内容质量很不错,https://greensdictofslang.com/
网站有完整索引,就顺便爬下来了。但目前有好几个问题没有解决,所以就先只放数据出来源数据和mdx见后面附件(@@@ LINK 部分是为了保留网址ID放进去的,只有56620个实际词条),等着各位高手指点或者直接出手。
20240526 update
Fix flags display compatibility issues for Android Mdict by changing pic names from @2x to -2x
(v2) delete srcset & 2x to increase compatibility for GoldenDict-ng & Android Eudic
20240524 update
Add phrases as headwords, extract only links without definitions (extract 41469 headwords from class of compoundlist and phraselist)
20240428 update
Upload mdx/mdd files. The css/js/img files are all packed in MDD file.
Search “about” entry for more details of GDoS, including abbreviations, introduction, how to use, etc.
56620 actual entries, 12 about pages, 11290 bibliography. And the remaining entries are links.
Remove the <aside> tags to better fit in mobile layout. Keep hide-all/ show-all buttons.
20240429 update
img/font/original-css files are packed in MDD file. css/js files are seperated.
fix ‘can…png’
Buttons of hide-all/ show-all and showing timelines only work under iOS Mdict, Android DictTango.