[DictTango] 反馈历史 (作参考用,请勿回复此帖)

Thanks for adding support for .zip files (e.g. Forvo Audios). This improvement allows to listen audios in more than 50 languages.

If support for the .dsl format is added, many more users could begin to use “DictTango”. There are more than 5000 dictionaries in .dsl format in many languages.

There are very few .mdx dictionaries in some languages or not at all. Therefore, people need to use .dsl dictionaries when studying French, Spanish, Russian, etc.

I know that most users in China are happy with only .mdx format, but others might want the .dsl format and some people might be willing to pay for it. Therefore, I see there a chance for you to get some income for your great job!

Thanks again…!