
昨天,在 Matepad paper 上用欧路词典背单词,在完成后,看到有一个「AI 短文助记」功能,用了一下,真是惊艳。

它的主要功能是:我可以选中今天背完的词,用 AI 生成一篇小短文,用这个小短文语境帮助理解和记忆,灵活生成的短文能选择不同类型(故事、童话、采访、议论文、科幻小说),可以定义文字数量,还有译文。

因为是 AI 大模型生成的文章,逻辑性还挺不错,语法错误肯定是没有,句子也优美,读了两遍文章,许多背过但不熟悉的词一下子熟练了好多,简直是梦想中的背单词方式。

生成的文章可以保存、导出 PDF、打印到纸上。


这个功能仅面向欧路词典的 VIP 开放,可以无限使用,手机端应该是 ¥98,电脑端忘了,我很早已前买的,物有所值。


  1. 在「学习」界面中,背完当日单词后,就会出现「AI 短文助记」按钮,可以选择今天背过的、应当复习的单词,把不熟的词生成短文加强记忆。
  2. 在「生词笔记」界面中,右上角菜单中选择「AI 短文助记」就可以选择生词本中的单词生成短文,「生词本」是可以批量导入的(电脑端导入,帐号同步)

我是个近视眼,格外需要日间户外活动,用手机、平板的话,在户外根本看不清,而用这个功能,就可以在背完单词后,生成文章,导出 pdf 打印出来,到户外散步的同时训练英语的读和说。

以后,学习会变成什么样子呢,AI 如何助力教育呢?我估计会是根据所学知识,动态生成情景式的增强内容,帮助学生在新的情景中运用所学知识,强化学习。


1 个赞



再者,其实每个单词的每层意思都有一定的场景性.所以要搞近义词辨析,辨析的来源还是living 语料.多熟悉点语料才是关键.

诚然,工具会带来更多体验. 可以借助工具这个梯子,当爬到一定高度,就要主动推离它.这样你会走的更自由.

1 个赞

不用怀疑模型效果,肯定是用的 OpenAI 的 API

1 个赞

句子之间衔接很生硬,不像 ChatGPT。可能真是欧路自研的倩言AI。


1 个赞



下面才是 ChatGPT 的水平

Certainly! Here's a short story incorporating all the words you've provided:

In the quaint village of Intellectia, where every inhabitant prized knowledge above all, there was a peculiar library said to house the cognitive secrets of the universe. The librarian, an elderly intellectual named Mr. Ponder, was the guardian of these secrets. His life's work was the acquisition of rare tomes that could facilitate the understanding of the world's mysteries.

One day, a preliminary announcement was made that a young prodigy, Elara, had taken the initiative to decipher the most cryptic manuscript in the library. The villagers gathered, curious to witness this feat. Elara, with her sharp mind, began to explain the symbols and signs that many had found superfluous or indecipherable.

As she spoke, the air filled with an electric excitement. But not all were pleased. Mr. Ponder, upset by the thought that a mere child could unravel what he had not, decided to confront her. To his surprise, Elara welcomed him with open arms, expressing that knowledge grows when shared.

Together, they unveiled the secrets of the manuscript, leading to an era of unprecedented enlightenment in Intellectia. It was a peculiar turn of events, one that taught the villagers that sometimes, the initiative of one can uplift the cognitive capabilities of all.

I hope you enjoyed the story!


Your essay provides a thoughtful reflection on the balance between curriculum objectives and intellectual curiosity. Here are some suggestions for improvement:

Clarity and Conciseness: - Consider simplifying complex phrases. For example, "facilitating the preliminary stages of learning" could be rephrased to "guiding the early learning process."

Specificity: - Provide specific examples to illustrate the student's initiative. Instead of saying "an assignment that was superfluous," describe what made it so. This will give readers a clearer picture of the situation.

Tone and Perspective: - The phrase "left me upset" could be perceived as overly personal for an academic essay. You might rephrase it to maintain a professional tone, such as "I found the assignment to be unexpectedly divergent from the course material."

Engagement with the Subject: - Expand on the final thought about incorporating such initiatives into educational programs. How might this be done effectively? What are the potential benefits and challenges?

Structure: - The essay could benefit from a clearer structure that guides the reader through your narrative and reflections. Consider organizing it into introduction, body, and conclusion sections.
Certainly! Here's a more detailed revision of your essay:

In my capacity as the supervisor of a cognitive acquisition program, I am accustomed to guiding students through a structured curriculum designed to foster their learning. The program's success hinges on the adherence to its meticulously crafted objectives, which serve as the foundation for our educational pursuits.

Inciting Incident:
However, an intriguing incident occurred when one of our students submitted an assignment that deviated significantly from the prescribed course material. This project, while demonstrating a commendable depth of research and analysis, ventured into realms not covered by our syllabus.

Confrontation and Realization:
Upon reviewing the assignment, I felt a mix of surprise and concern, prompting a conversation with the student. She articulated a compelling argument, expressing her intent to satiate her intellectual curiosity by exploring topics that resonated with her personal academic interests. Her initiative, albeit admirable, necessitated a gentle reminder of the importance of focusing on the established course objectives.

Reflection and Proposal:
This exchange left a lasting impression on me, igniting a contemplation on the role of open-mindedness within the sphere of education. It raised pertinent questions about the rigidity of curricula and the potential for integrating student-led intellectual pursuits. How could we, as educators, foster a learning environment that both respects the curriculum and encourages exploration?

In light of this, I propose a dual-pathway approach within our program. One pathway would continue to concentrate on the core curriculum, ensuring a solid foundation in the subject matter. The other would provide structured opportunities for students to pursue independent projects, guided by their unique interests and questions. This framework would not only maintain the integrity of our educational objectives but also cultivate a culture of intellectual curiosity and innovation.

This revision aims to expand on the narrative by adding structure and depth to your reflection on the incident. It also proposes a potential solution to the challenge of balancing curriculum goals with individual intellectual pursuits, which could serve as a starting point for further discussion or implementation.