Gd-tools, programs to enhance goldendict

i ported gd-tools to windows, now it supports a wider range of systems and it’s also faster


If you support my work on this version, please give it a star in the repository and share with friends ! :heart:

added a tutorial

15 个赞

Thank you for sharing. Maybe you can have some simple introduction to gd-tools?

1 个赞

yes, it’s all contained in the repository



Very Powerful Funtion:
Available features:

  • Sentence parsing.
  • Image search.
  • Stroke order diagrams.
  • Example sentences.
  • Query Anki collection to see if you already have a card for the word you’re lookin up.
2 个赞


原来是装gd的根目录下。 :face_exhaling:

please do read the post, where i explicitly mention that it does runs on windows.

you really dont need to do anything besides what’s already written in the link.
the reason why it was installed in the root folder of goldendict-ng is because then the user wont need to specify any path before calling gd-tools.
you literally just copy and paste what’s in the README

1 个赞


目前只能从输入框到Marisa,还有其它方法么? (224.6 KB)
有大神能指导一下marisa_build 的Python版安装么?或者编译为EXE?


marisa_build 已编译为 EXE。怎么用呢?
是把 key.txt,拖放进去么?但是没反应。
key.txt 的文本格式是不是下面这样:

词条1 tab 23
词条2 tab 25
key.txt 的编码是什么编码格式?


the tokenizer (gd-marisa) is intended to be used with japanese, adding entries to it will require those words to be japanese as well.
but there’s one for mandarim , made by a old fellow who was here at the forum, “Shui” made a program called gd-mandarin that he used for learning mandarin, but it’s only available on linux

Any binary release?

binaries are only provided for windows, in the readme you can see a link

since it takes almost 5 seconds to compile it, i didnt provided binaries for linux or BSD


For those who are also interested in it, here it is: gd-tools_windows

Badly written guide! It is very difficult to follow.

i dont think there’s more to explain in the guide, the installation process is very straightfoward:
1 - download it
2 - double click in it
3 - done.