pic.7z (3.5 MB)
pe.js.txt (1.1 KB)
you could downscale the media, webp is the most lightweight format
Seems to cut down file size by half - though at the cost of webp browser incompatibility (for Mdict PC etc)
most people use goldendict-ng
Many are still using MdictPC or BlueDict or Eudic etc. Would like to have max compatibility.
Photoshop can batch downsize via quality loss jpg files. Seems to drop by similar margins. Requires the software of course.
well, then you can do as follows:
Am aware of png compression, I actually did a comparison between different schemes of compression, ends up being the same (if lossless). Most png compression are CPU hogs, so going through 500K files could be prohibitive.
i think it can still be done, with the help of a python script, but you’d need to cut the quality of those images to half, which is not a problem since it’s only a dictionary
compress_image(image_path, output_path, output_size, quality=50)
Need to compare size and CPU cost of jpg → png → 50% qual vs jpg → 50% qual
For sure webp drops quality noticeably but not destructively and CPU usage is near zero and time taken is negligible per file except for the webp file type. Maybe I should convert it back into jpg or original file type. nevermind, size blew up 3 fold if converted back into jpg.
yeah, webp would be a good choice
want to keep file name untouched ideally though.
yeah, that’d be great
I converted all images into avif format with little CPU consumption. The total size is only 1/20-1/27th of that of the original, quite astonishing, with almost no discernible quality drop across all image formats and sizes.
The catch is only GD supports this format. For some reason, my test mdx containing just 1 avif file works fine. However, the full mdx loads images initially in a flash, then the image disappears. Trying to figure out why…