
美国众议院议长是Speaker of the House of Representatives
美国参议院议长是President of the Senate

韩国国会议长是Speaker of the National Assembly
法国国会议长是President of the National Assembly


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If it’s for professional usage, check with your organisation’s writing guideline first, and then consult with another party on order of precedence, if everything fails try Satow’s.

TLDR: nope. Respect the official translation the party gives. The US is a presidential country with English as de facto official language, and others aren’t. If Japanese says their Congress is called Diet (from Holy Roman Empire, if you’re asking why) then call it Diet.

A translation does not warrant a congruence. 大使 can be ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary(特命全权大使), or an ambassador (to a permanent mission to an international organisation) or an ambassador-at-large, or even a nuncio. They all have their own ranks and enjoy different order of precedence in different jurisdiction (nuncio is generally higher than all others in European countries).

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