《中英联合声明》的全称是《中华人民共和国政府和大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国政府关于香港问题的联合声明》,英语是Joint Declaration of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the People’s Republic of China on the Question of Hong Kong。
参加英文翻译组的人员中有两位来自外交部,一位是前外交部翻译室主任、驻外大使、现外交部翻译室特聘专家,另一位是副司级外交官,他们都具有丰富的翻译经验。特别是十六大报告中关于外交部分的译文,他们起了把关的作用。给我印象最深的是,他们说,“台湾问题”应译为 the question of Taiwan 或the Taiwan question,绝对不可译为 the issue of Taiwan或 the Taiwan issue。解决台湾问题、实现祖国的完全统一是不容讨论的,不容任何国家和外来势力的干涉。据美国韦氏词典,issue的相关含义恰恰是 a point, matter, or question to be disputed or decided。毫无疑问,我们不能在这里使用issue这个词。“台湾问题”译为 the question of Taiwan或the Taiwan question 是规范的译法。当翻译涉及敏感的政治问题时,我们必须慎之又慎。
我傾向於是英語使用傳統。主觀情感上,issue 給我的感覺是有負面意義的(而 question 沒有),而在詞彙使用上查 OED issue:
IV., A point of contention or significance.
IV.14. A matter which remains to be decided; a significant matter for debate or discussion.
Whereas it is of my view that ‘question’ bears a somewhat more similar nature to the following entry:
spec. A subject or proposal to be debated, decided, or voted on in a meeting or deliberative assembly, esp. in Parliament; the putting of this proposal to the vote. Occasionally as int., used †(a) To recall a speaker to the subject under discussion, or †(b) to demand that the vote be taken.
I reckon the scope of a question is larger than that of an issue. Plus, the Troubles is known as ‘the Irish Question’, and similarly of the Levant region known as ‘the Question of Palestine’.
In above-mentioned usage, ‘question’ is to reflect a series of questions, disputes, vested interests in a territory(s) to be ceded. Considering the negative insinuation the word ‘issue’ bears, I would reckon ‘question’ is a fitting word for a territory that is claimed by, or concerning two or multiple parties.
In the meantime, I do think translation mistakes occur even in official / international documents / treaties of utmost significance, albeit extremely rare. If I recall correctly, I saw a document prepared by the Macau SAR government (even though in this case English is not an official or prevailing language) which mistakenly translated ‘Mainland China’ into ‘Inland China’.
There is a report prepared by the European Court of Auditors, titled Misused English words and expressions, pointing out some of the allegedly mistaken expression in the English used in the EU as lingua franca. One might as well argue this is a static registry, but English is still a proceeding language within most EU institutions.