English [en], epub, 5.0MB, Book (non-fiction), William Smith & Matthew Easton [Smith, William & Easton, Matthew] - Bible Dictionary Collection - Deluxe Study Edition (KJV Bible, Smith’s Bible Dictionary, Easton’s Bible Dictionary, Over 40,000 Links) (2012, Packard Technologies).epub
Bible Dictionary Collection - Deluxe Study Edition (KJV Bible, Smith’s Bible Dictionary, Easton’s Bible Dictionary, Over 40,000 Links)
Packard Technologies, 2012
William Smith & Matthew Easton [Smith, William & Easton, Matthew]
The datasets are based on work by scholars at Tyndale House - an international Biblical Studies research institute in Cambridge, UK (see www.TyndaleHouse.com)
这些数据集基于英国剑桥国际圣经研究机构丁道尔学院(Tyndale House)学者的研究成果(见 www.TyndaleHouse.com)。
外文书名: A Dictionary of Biblical Tradition in English Literature
English [en], .pdf, /ia, 105.4MB, Book (unknown), ia/dictionaryofbibl0000unse_z8x7.pdf
A Dictionary of biblical tradition in English literature
Eerdmans Pub Co, Grand Rapids (Mi.), Leominster (England), 1992
David Lyle Jeffrey, general editor
English [en], .epub, /lgli/zlib, 48.6MB, Book (non-fiction), lgli/Tremper Longman III - The Baker Illustrated Bible Dictionary.epub
Baker Illustrated Bible Dictionary, The
Baker Publishing Group, 2013
Longman III, Tremper
English [en], .epub, /lgli/zlib, 9.9MB, Book (non-fiction), lgli/J. Daniel Hays, J. Scott Duvall - The Baker Illustrated Guide to the Bible: A Book-By-Book Companion (2016, Baker Books).epub
The Baker Illustrated Guide to the Bible: A Book-By-Book Companion
Baker Books, 2016
J. Daniel Hays & J. Scott Duvall
this book-by-book companion to the Bible is perfect for Sunday school teachers, students, and everyday Christians who will find it quickly becomes the first place they go before beginning a book of the Bible.
English [en], .pdf, /ia, 139.3MB, Book (unknown), ia/cambridgediction0000unse_y6w8.pdf
The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2010
Daniel Patte
The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity is an authoritative reference guide that enables students, their teachers, and Christian clergy to reflect critically upon all aspects of Christianity from its origins to the present day. Written by a team of 800 scholars and practitioners from around the world, the volume reflects the plurality of Christianity throughout its history. Key features: • Offers a presentation of the Christian beliefs and practices of all major Christian traditions in each continent and each nation.