Novo dicionario japonês–português mdx

GitHub - KonstantinDjairo/jmdict_portuguese

a member of the telegram group helped with the mdx compilation, since i suck at mdx, i only provided the data.
currently i can’t upload it, i hope someone else take the files and put in the JP-PT folder

jm_pt.css (1020 Bytes)
JMdict_Portuguese.mdx (14.0 MB)


The tag should be 小语种。

You may edit your post, change the tag, and upload your file directly to your post as an attachment.


thank you

@Wankata could you please kindly upload this dictionary to the collection?

Our friend @hashirama did a great job ! Thanks! I am glad to see you again in the forum… I am very sorry that you decided to left the Telegram chat. I sincerely apologize.

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Yes, of course, done.

I haven’t left anything - about twice a day I look to see if there’s anything uploaded there, but basically I don’t like to write on chats and social networks…

Have a nice day!


i still there

Sorry, pal, thanks for your hard work!

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thanks for hosting the dictionaries :pray: