English Wiktionary (MDX) 2023-02

English Wiktionary
Format: mdx
Size= 7.0 GiB
Author: @Shuibogo
Version: February 2023

This version works perfectly! It is the same as the .zim file provided by the Wikimedia Foundation. The layout is preserved, which is better than other versions in .mdx format published so far…



*P.S. The .mdx file was made from the .zim file without any modification. If there is missing information, it is an error in the .zim file. *

Unfortunately, there is a problem with the HTML API from the Wikimedia Foundation which causes a loss of information (images, entries, etc) and the “Kiwix” Team cannot fix it. It is an upstream issue:

13 个赞

cool,is it converted from zim? if so, it will be appreciate to show how to do it, I searched some posts, there are different problems, if there is a solution , I like the mdx format of wikipedia.

Our master @Shuibogo is the author ! He has experience converting .zim files to .mdx with almost no errors.

It would be a great contribution if you could write a post with instructions… @Shuibogo :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@Shuibogo I do not know the possible causes for this problem. Did you apply some regex to the source file ?

Great Master, Please teach us your method to convert .zim to .mdx… :sweat_smile:

The .mdx file was made from the .zim file without any modification. If there is missing information, it is an error in the .zim file. *

Unfortunately, there is a problem with the HTML API from the Wikimedia Foundation which causes a loss of information (images, entries, etc) and the “Kiwix” Team cannot fix it. It is an upstream issue.

3 个赞

Who can help me to create file MDX from this text.

Made a tab version by language.

  1. Languages included are in excess of 220, so OP’s mdx definitely not just English.
  2. Image URL data is incomplete, so no images are salvageable for rendering online.
  3. Mdx shrunken by 1.8 GB sans massive amounts of invisible or unused html gunk + better mdx compression
  4. No CSS styling is done, pending someone who is good at css (the official css would suffice)
  5. OP’s 3GB mdd can be reused by renaming into *.1.mdd
  6. Anchors now prefixed with “entry://” to match mdx convention

5 个赞


我在修复,估计是Out of memory原因。

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zim 版本只有这个,没有路径,不过可以加prefix https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/File: 或者https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File: 来单独下载:

<a href="/wiki/File:Fields_below_Frocester_Hill_(1565).jpg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b5/Fields_below_Frocester_Hill_%281565%29.jpg/360px-Fields_below_Frocester_Hill_%281565%29.jpg" decoding="async" width="360" height="239" class="mw-file-element" srcset="//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b5/Fields_below_Frocester_Hill_%281565%29.jpg/540px-Fields_below_Frocester_Hill_%281565%29.jpg 1.5x, //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b5/Fields_below_Frocester_Hill_%281565%29.jpg/720px-Fields_below_Frocester_Hill_%281565%29.jpg 2x" data-file-width="4288" data-file-height="2848"></a>


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families.zip (1.1 MB)

2 个赞

I’m very much obliged to you.

Can you help me to convert this file to Mdx

or this file

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