【转载】请愿书:恢复对 Z-Library 的访问并停止非法刑事起诉

【转载】请愿书:恢复对 Z-Library 的访问并停止非法刑事起诉 | Restoration of access to Z-Library and the cessation of illegal criminal prosecution

今天上 Z-Library 发现官方团队发布了一则请愿书的邀请,搜了下论坛没有发现相关的帖子,于是摘出了其中的部分内容,希望能引起大家的关注。(感觉直接丢一个网址的话,点的人不会很多)


Today, we are calling on you, our community, to stand with us in our fight for the Z-Library project. This project represents more than just a platform; it’s a gateway to knowledge for people all over the world.

今天,我们呼吁您,也向我们的社区发起呼吁:与我们站在一起,为 Z-Library 项目发声。这个项目不仅仅是一个平台;它是让世界各国人民通向知识的门户。

We are launching a petition to restore access to Z-Library and stop the illegal criminal prosecution. Your signature can make a world of difference. By signing the petition, you’re not only supporting our cause, but you’re also helping to ensure that the Z-Library project remains available to people worldwide.

我们正在发起请愿,要求恢复对 Z-Library 的访问并停止非法刑事起诉。您的签名对我们至关重要。通过签署请愿书,您不仅是在支持我们的事业,还是在为确保 Z-Library 项目未来可供世界各地的人们使用做贡献。

Please follow the link below and sign the petition. It will only take two minutes of your time, but will greatly help the Z-Library project.

请点击以下链接并在请愿书上签名。它只需要您两分钟的时间,但将极大地帮助 Z-Library 项目。




To United States Attorney General
Merrick Garland 梅里克·加兰
To the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Argentine Republic
Santiago Cafiero 圣地亚哥·卡菲罗

We appeal to you to support our petition aimed at protecting Z-Library - one of the largest resources in the world providing free access to unique books and scientific articles in many different languages. However, despite its significant contribution to global education and culture, this platform is now under threat of closure, as the FBI has blocked the site and many of its associated domains. In addition, two alleged participants in the project, Anton Napolskiy and Valeria Ermakova, were arrested in Argentina at the request of the United States and have been imprisoned for almost a year. Their detention occurred without compliance with legal norms and with numerous procedural violations, and the FBI request contained knowingly false data on the existence of a court sanction for arrest (a court sanction for arrest has been issued after the arrest).

我们呼吁您参与这次请愿活动:这次请愿旨在保护 Z-Library——这是世界上最大的资源库之一,提供多语种书籍和科学文献的免费阅读和下载服务。尽管该平台对全球教育和文化做出了重大贡献,但该平台正面临严峻的挑战—FBI 封锁了 Z-Library 的主站及其许多相关域名的访问。此外,该项目的两名参与者安东·纳波尔斯基(Anton Napolskiy)和瓦莱里娅·埃尔马科娃(Valeria Ermakova)在阿根廷被捕,现已被监禁近一年。拘留他们并不符合相关法律法规,抓捕他们的过程本身也存在许多违反法律程序的行为。另外,FBI 在提交抓捕请求时故意提供了虚假的信息,故意隐瞒了逮捕前没有法院批准的事实。

In the era of information technology, blocking access to knowledge undermines the basic principles of freedom of information, as guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This not only deprives scientists and students of access to important research materials, but also threatens the freedom of academic exchange of ideas. Without a doubt, blocking Z-Library seriously hinders academic activity and impedes scientific development.
在信息技术时代,阻止获取知识破坏了《世界人权宣言》所保障的信息自由的基本原则。这不仅会剥夺科学家和学生获得重要研究资料的机会,还会影响学术思想的自由交流。毫无疑问,封锁 Z-Library 严重阻碍了学术活动,阻碍了科学发展。

Moreover, the actions taken not only limit access to educational resources, but also violate the principles of digital sovereignty. In particular, the United States has blocked domains in country zones such as India without the permission of these states. Such an action undermines the principle of independence and sovereignty of these countries on the Internet and calls into question the right of states to regulate their own information spaces.
此外,封锁 Z-Library 不仅限制了对教育资源的获取,还违反了数字主权原则。尤其是美国在未经印度等国家许可的情况下封锁了这些国家对 Z-Library 相关域名的访问。这种行为破坏了这些国家在互联网上的独立主权,并侵犯了该国监管本国信息空间的权利。

Restoring access to Z-Library is not just a matter of access to a library resource. It is a matter of ensuring freedom of information, affirming state sovereignty, and protecting the right of every person to knowledge. We believe that access to information is a fundamental right of every person, and we call on you to join our fight. Z-Library contains many unique books and documents that may become inaccessible to the public. This would be a serious blow to the cultural and scientific heritage of humankind.
恢复对 Z-Library 的访问不仅仅是恢复访问资源的问题,也是在保护信息自由和国家主权,更是在保护每个人获取知识的权利。我们相信,获取信息是每个人的基本权利,也因如此,我们呼吁您加入我们,为任何人都能访问收藏在 Z-Library 的大量珍贵书籍和文献而奋斗。如果人们无法访问这些资源,这将是人类文化和科学领域的重大损失。

Undoubtedly, it is important to respect copyright and intellectual property law. In the case of possible copyright violations, we insist that such cases should be considered separately, rather than resulting in restricting access to the entire resource and thus violating users’ rights to access the rest of the unique collection. The criminal prosecution of project participants who ensure the operation of the platform but are not involved in uploading files is unfair and unacceptable.

We call for the restoration of Z-Library and for a fair solution that takes into account both the rights of authors and the need for people to have free access to educational resources. We also demand an end to interference in the digital sovereignty of other countries. In this regard, we ask you to support our demand by signing this petition and helping to spread the message.
我们再次呼吁恢复 Z-Library ,也呼吁制定一个公正的解决方案——既尊重了版权,也能解决人们免费获得教育资源的需求。另外,我们强烈建议世界各国不要效仿这次事件中美国粗暴干涉他国数字主权的行为。最后,我们希望您签署这份请愿书并分享这则消息来响应我们的请求。

Free access to information and knowledge is a basic human right, and we must fight to preserve it.

