分享Oxford Spanish Dictionary词典,


词库说明:格式 Mdict

Oxford Spanish - English Dictionary,Source from Macos X Dictionary app

origin: 20191030

new version: 20230807





String modifiedLine = line.replaceAll(" </span></span>ing", "</span></span>ing")
                        .replaceAll(" </span></span>ed", "</span></span>ed");

Nailed it!

链接: 百度网盘-链接不存在 提取码: 3yus


5 个赞


A second online drive will be appreciated.

Oxford_spanish_dict_DefaultStyle.css (40.9 KB)



链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1NSmlQrxNz9k_apEkFBzCEA 提取码: edfz

3 个赞

Muchas gracias. Este es El mejor diccionario

No lo sé porque no hay forma como tuyo. Uso 欧陆字典,he instalado css

that css file is the same as before

I appreciate your attention to my question. I knew the original css is not working with 欧陆, but it gave me an illusion that you had made modifications but I saw that you didn’t change css after checking the comments you made to others. Anyway, I like this Spanish dictionary content and the format you demonstrated above with pictures, but it is just not reflecting on my phone. I should not ask more since I have it to assist me with learning, there is no such a thing to be perfect. Thank you again and good to you!

Oxford_spanish_dict_DefaultStyle.css (41.9 KB)

1 个赞

Seems you had made revision base on the size (previous 42kb and now 43kb)but it still doesn’t work on my IOS 欧陆

No idea, try to clear cache?

I have cleared the cache several times and removed the dictionaries and reinstalled it. But it doesn’t work. I guess the css is not compatible with the IOS 欧陆.

By the way, which app do you install on your phone? I’d like to try it so we don’t have to bother it.

I am also using 欧路

I dunno why

I just set the CSS file

Ok I got it it only works on MacBook but not IOS.

It works after removing 欧陆 and reinstall , my bad to bother you!

Volvo a decir a todos que este diccionario es lo mejor que he visto. Mucho ejemplos y fresas, me inspira tanto. Muchas gracias por compartirlo.

1 个赞

Can someone upload the files into Mediafire or Google Drive? The link is only accessed in China.

Please, do me this favor.

1 个赞

Oxford Spanish - English Dictionary.7z.001 (20 MB)
Oxford Spanish - English Dictionary.7z.002 (226.1 KB)

3 个赞