求助帖 Construction Grammar: The Structure of English

Construction Grammar_ The Structure of English 9781107013490_frontmatter.pdf (134.8 KB)

不知道群友有没有这本构式语法的电子书,书名: Construction Grammar: The Structure of English;作者Thomas Hoffmann


English [en], pdf, 6.3MB, The Oxford Handbook of Construction Grammar - 9780195396683.pdf
The Oxford Handbook of Construction Grammar
Oxford University Press, Oxford Handbooks, 2013
Thomas Hoffmann, Graeme Trousdale
“The last decade has seen a rise in popularity in construction-based approaches to grammar. The various approaches within the rubric ‘construction grammar’ all see language as a network of constructions-pairings of form and meaning. Construction Grammar, as a kind of cognitive linguistics, differs significantly from mainstream generative grammar as espoused by Chomsky and his followers.

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