Why "Xiaoyifang" is the best developer?

Before and After @xiaoyifang in GoldenDict:

Our friend Xiaoyifang has written more lines of code for GoldenDict than anyone else !

Special thanks also to @slbtty ! Awesome Job !

You are the best developers in the world for many of us…!

Thanks for your perseverance, patience and awesome contributions to Free Software (GPLv3)! Please keep up your good work ! :smiley:

Data from GitHub: Contributors to xiaoyifang/goldendict-ng · GitHub

6 个赞

too much flatter :smiley:

6 个赞

the dicts were loaded much faster than before.
and thanks for always rapid respond.

2 个赞

非常感谢 xiaoyifang 老师,其编译的GD是我的最爱。对于众口难调的问题也都想尽办法尽量满足,及时回应。对比当今社会一些行业中,不贿赂不好好办事、不给红包不好好治疗、没有额外利益不好好教授等现象,xiaoyifang 老师的人品、人格更加令人尊重、尊敬、感佩。祝好人您万事吉祥、顺安!!!

4 个赞

目前官方GD版本已经更新到了 1.5.0-RC2-628