I have recently discovered an awesome system Typst which is on par with LaTex with regard to typesetting quality, but superior in other aspects, i.e.,
- previews your changes instantly.
- has a consistent styling system for configuring everything from fonts and margins to the look of headings and lists.
- easily collaborate in teams.
- uses familiar programming constructs instead of hard-to-understand macros.
- provides clear, understandable error messages.
You can watch above demo to see points 1, 2, 3. Point 4 is illustrated by
Some side information, i.e.,
Typst is funded by the Technical University of Berlin, the State of Berlin, and the European Union (through the European Social Funds). With such sponsors, it already has a promising future.
The authors have opened source the Typst complier. They will open a public CTAN-like registry of Typst packages and templates down the road.
The public has just recently released today on March 21, 2023.
The Discord server is Typst. The authors are very supportive in answering your questions.