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OED若从规范主义或者描写主义来看,还真不好定义,如果说它侧重prescriptive(SOED:Laying down rules of usage),但它只记录,并未试图建立单词的’correct’ usages;如果说它侧重descriptive(AHD:with emphasis on constructing a grammar without regard to historical development),却也不然。

I vote for the first explanation. OED describes how a word has been used throughout the history without emphasizing the current common usage.
A byproduct of this approach is that OED is more inclined towards literature and figurative sense, whereas ODE focuses on the literal and current usage.
I recommend OED to study literature, but not for English exams preparation.

Chambers Dictionary - descriptive linguistics: The study of the description of a language structure as it occurred individually at a particular time, ie with no reference to its history, any other language, etc

You can read Chinese, right? Wonderful!

Nope, Google Translate is everywhere nowadays. LOL

Have you read the definition of the term ‘descriptive linguistics’?

Gotcha, I must say I am not a linguist, but I would like to say OED is more semantically inclined. It goes beyond denotation and towards connotation.