

skyline指的是哪里?behind that skyline指的又是哪里?on that skyline又是哪里?
just above the edge of it指的是什么?




  1. 最下面是看到地
  2. 往上还是地,然后是建筑山峰等
  3. 再往上就没东西了,然后地上的东西和天空交界的模糊的轮廓,称skyline(天际线,而非天地间的地平线)
  4. 那这个线,大致的区域,behind 背后有山和海。
  5. on 这个轮廓,准确点说在 edge 之上,幽暗的区域,有 two green lights.


Chapter 2
The Return of the Iron Man
One evening a farmer’s son, a boy called Hogarth, was fishing in a stream that ran down to the sea. It was growing too dark to fish, his hook kept getting caught in weeds and bushes. So he stopped fishing and came up from the stream and stood listening to the owls in the wood further up the valley, to the sea behind him.”Hush,” said the steam. And again, “Hush. Hush. Hush.”
Suddenly he felt a strange feeling. He felt he was being atched. He felt afraid. He turned and looked up the steep field to the top of the high cliff. Behind that skyline was the sheer rocky cliff and the sea. And on that skyline, just above the edge of it, in the dusk, were two green lights. What were two green lights doing at the top of the cliff?
Then, as Hogarth watched, a huge dark figure climbed up over the cliff-top. The two lights rose into the sky. They were the giant figure’s eyes. A giant black figure, taller than a house, black and towering in the twilight, with green headlamp eyes.
The Iron Man! There he stood on the cliff-top, looking inland.
Hogarth began to run. He ran and ran. Home. Home. The Iron Man had come back.

主要就是skyline的理解,我们一般背单词的时候会背成“天际线”,而汉语里天际线的通常理解是天地交接之线,但是天际线的译法对于skyline其实是不太准确的。牛津的解释是the outline of buildings, trees, hills, etc. seen against the sky(建筑物、树、山等在天空映衬下的)轮廓线;天际线
所以skyline实际上是指轮廓线,那么是什么东西的轮廓线呢,根据上面补全的上下文,自然就是Iron Man的轮廓线了。
因此, behind that skyline看到的就是sheer rocky cliff and the sea, on that skyline就是指Iron Man的轮廓上, just above the edge of it的it实际上就是Iron Man,所以看到的两道绿光是它的眼睛。

1 个赞

这里的"skyline"怎么也不可能指的是Iron Man本身

说了啊,指的是Iron Man的轮廓线,因为Iron Man是耸立在农夫之子与峭壁之间的地带,应该比较昏暗,所以只能看到一个黑乎乎的轮廓。


那你自便吧 :zipper_mouth_face:

人家作者会用shape, form, outline, shadow, silhouette 这样的词来指代 Iron Man的轮廓,不会去挑一个专门用来表达山的词去制造歧义


我是疑惑,作者先说了一个high cliff, 这应该指的就是skyline,然后接着说behind THAT skyline又一个sheer rocky cliff, 这两个cliff不就重复了么,按说应该是同一个事物啊


你也可以理解成steep field的轮廓线,或者说这个才是文字的本意。只是我觉得反正都是黑乎乎的一个轮廓,那个区域如果没有Iron Man也不会被人注意到,所以怎么理解都没差。

