
  • prostitute, 这个s后面的t竟然又不发成/t/而是发成/t(h)/送气的了
  • 电影中还用了 slut, whore,mistress等词,三者的相同部分和有区别的部分包括
    1. 一词多义(查词典可知其n词性的多义、v词性的多义)的部分重叠
    2. 不同的侧重:
      • prostitute 指为了营利而出卖肉体、才华、名声
      • whore 还可指乱关系的(不一定为了钱)
      • slut 侧重脏乱差的乱交者。
      • mistress,女主人,mister + ess(女),但用作情妇之义时,指长期专一的情妇(但排斥,非婚姻)
  • TIO v5.0 还给出了
    • 更细化的某个更专业的方向: call girl, 尤指打电话应召而来的
    • 高级的“名媛”:courtesan,court 宫廷, 富豪、有钱人的高级妓女,交际花。
    • 简单的爱人:lover, 褒贬不明
    • 更加文绉绉的情妇、妓女:doxy
    • 比喻手法的:hooker, gold digger
  • 上面有的词仅是现象描述,有的词暗含对立关系。
    1. 比如 它是金色的。暗含它不是红色的。
    2. 而 它是金色的,并不暗含 它是5岁 是错的。
    3. 综述:有的词的义自带对某些信息的排他性,清楚其定义域,而不要和其可兼容描述的定义域混了。

Please do not disseminate these self-opinionated dregs, which are self-evident to most of the people in this forum, and few of them would pay any attention to you.


You seem to me more like one of the riff-raff I’ve seen recently and want to earn the approbation of those who are more educated.

just some typos.

有没有可能是 prostitute /ˈprɒstᵻtjuːt/ 后面跟着schwa的缘故?


Au contraire, this forum is almost tainted by the likes of you.

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And more, you don’t even know how to communicate with other people in an ordinary manner.

So you want to be a maverick, don’t you?

Obviously, the logic expressed in your own way is quite befuddling, and your linguistic competence is really worse than I thought.


不知道说的是不是你们那个点上。就单看这单词的音标,其中s后有个t,那就必须变音类似/d/的音,但严格来说不是/d/的音。再然后,后面有个/I/的元音,连起来自然就有送气的音啦。最后这个单词prostitute,是三音节单词pro/sti/tute也有人这样分pros/ti/tute 我个人更倾向前者。音标s+k s+p 同样要变音

You think I’m a prostitute? You think you are able to control other people’s thoughts and comments? What a nincompoop! Now that you’ve abused me with your foul-mouthed swears, well, to me, you are more of a strumpet whose vocabulary is quite limited. You just wanted to flaunt your colloquialism, which, de facto, was totally a fiasco, and you just ended up a mere preposterous harlequin. Furthermore, you are really fond of stigmatizing others with your scanty knowledge and poor judgment.

Do you know the word “register”?

Theoretical english does not befit you, let alone linguistics. You might ameliorate your english in practical situations.
