Dreamt /drempt/ 插入p 在什么书上有?

dream driːm
dreamed drempt driːmd AmE driːmd
dreaming ˈdriːm ɪŋ
dreams driːmz
dreamt drempt



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r/MandelaEffect • 5 yr. ago

Posted by thisgoeshere

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it used to be dreampt but now its spelled dreamt. You can still hear the p

you can still hear many people pronounce it with the p. Odd how this happened

就是以前(1500~)就是拼写成 dreampt ,所以发音读作 /drempt/ 没问题
后来 dream(p)t 中间的p给去掉了,所以有时候听到带p的发音也正常。属于历史遗留问题。