quiet quitting 可以翻译为躺平
躺平感觉比较粗俗,quiet quitting感觉多了点浪漫气息
quiet qutting是指只在工作时间做完该做的工作,不额外加班等“奋斗”,与消极怠工还是不一样的。中性,不含贬义。
quiet quitting in British English
(ˌkwaɪət ˈkwɪtɪŋ )
noun informal
the practice of doing no more work than one is contractually obliged to do, esp in order to spend more time on personal activities
the practice of doing little or no work while being present at one’s place of employment
Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers
虽然这概念本身不新鲜,但是流行开来一般是指2022年的一段Tik Tok的短视频,也没有体现出上述第二个义项。虽然只做薪水份(最低限度)的工作有可能导致工作效率下降,但这顶多是引申,所以怠工我觉得更可能是雇主对其的污名化。
而遍历语料库,CC 应该比 wiki 更专业。
我愿称之为最强: quiet quitting Meaning & Origin | Slang by Dictionary.com
quiet quitting
[ kwahy-it kwit-ing ]
Published September 2, 2022
What is quiet quitting?
Quiet quitting is an informal term for the practice of reducing the amount of effort one devotes to one’s job, such as by stopping the completion of any tasks not explicitly stated in the job description. The term implies that this is done secretly or without notifying one’s boss or manager.
Quiet quitting doesn’t actually refer to quitting a job. The term is used in varying ways that refer to different methods of reducing productivity or the amount of work one performs.
The practice is often based on a rejection of the pressure or expectation to “go above and beyond” in one’s role as the norm (especially when not being fairly compensated for such tasks and responsibilities). It often involves abandoning ambitions for advancement.
Quiet quitting is often discussed in the context of worker dissatisfaction, burnout, disengagement, and the trend of deprioritizing work in favor of other aspects of life. It is often used alongside other terms used in the same context, such as anti-ambition, lying flat, and the Great Resignation.
The verb form quiet quit is also sometimes used, as in I quiet quit six months ago.
Where does quiet quitting come from?
The term quiet quitting was popularized in 2022, in part by some viral social media posts. The ultimate origin of the term is uncertain. It does not use quitting (meaning “resigning from one’s job) in the literal sense, but rather to suggest that a worker has “quit” (decided to stop doing) certain parts of their job, such as tasks that they have taken on beyond their role. The word quiet suggests that they have done so secretly or without informing their boss or manager. In other words, workers who engage in quiet quitting typically just stop working as much as they had been.
Of course, scaling back one’s workload is not a new practice, and other terms have been applied to similar practices. In the context of labor unions, the term work to rule refers to working exactly as stipulated in one’s contract as a form of protest to demonstrate how much work is not being compensated for.
Who uses quiet quitting?
Quiet quitting is often discussed in the context of worker dissatisfaction and burnout and criticisms of the demands on workers.
How is it “quiet quitting” to go to your job at the time specified, do the tasks they’ve asked you to do, and then go home at the time specified? That’s called going to work?
— Frances Cook (@FrancesCook) August 24, 2022
the way quiet quitting, which is a misnomer for maintaining firm boundaries at work for a healthier personal life, is presented as a radical concept is so bleak to me
— morgan sung (@morgan_sung) August 22, 2022
It’s cute they named it, but folk been “quiet quitting” for the longest. Doing the barest of minimums to stay employed and collect the check is nothing new or groundbreaking.
— Encyclopedia Brown (@LaconicIcon) April 6, 2022
This is not meant to be a formal definition of quiet quitting like most terms we define on Dictionary.com, but is rather an informal word summary that hopefully touches upon the key aspects of the meaning and usage of quiet quitting that will help our users expand their word mastery.
你这是资本家立场啊,实际上讨论quiet quitting的时候都是对工作不满,不想付出更多努力而已。但这在资方看来就是“怠工”。所以根本上是个立场问题。
“ 怠工是一种工业行动,指劳工在履行其职务时,故意降低工作的生产率或效率。一般认为怠工的较罢工和缓,且对于劳工与工会的风险与成本较低,因此怠工可以作为罢工的前奏或替代方案。罢工的劳工通常没有薪资,且有被撤换的风险,因此怠工被视为一种能对管理阶层施压,同时又得以避免这些后果的手段。
举的例子里有“ 2011年7月,澳洲航空工程师发起了一种不寻常的怠工,右撇子的工程师只用左手操作工具。” 这个做法就有明显的故意性了。
quiet quitting实际上更类似于该条目后面的“按章怠工”
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目前在dictionary.com 这个词 quiet quitting 只是出现在blog文章中,没有收录进词典。
转写 zsbd
quite quitting, 翻译成 “上班摸鱼“ 或者 ”滑水” 比较好