[西英单向图解词典] Collins visual Spanish dictionary

Collins Spanish Visual Dictionary.7z.001 (20 MB)
Collins Spanish Visual Dictionary.7z.002 (20 MB)
Collins Spanish Visual Dictionary.7z.003 (20 MB)
Collins Spanish Visual Dictionary.7z.004 (9.3 MB)

I’m not using this dictionary :doge_bilibili: coz it can’t search the phrases like below:
¡y tú!
¡lo siento!

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我什么都没说:doge: 加上云盘链接了

Some pics:

Well… it’s a very simple dictionary, for kids i’d say. I don’t know why images are so big. Also, the fonts need some spaces between lines.

Please, take a look at the “dog” entry result… people don’t usually say “el perro”, but “perro”. “El perro” would be “The Dog”, or “Un perro”, and that would be “A dog”. This also stands for “la casa de labranza” and “farmhouse”, it’s just “casa de labranza”.
I want to believe that this dictionary was intentionally make this way just for the good sake of kids or children who don’t have yet a well-constructed idea of how Spanish really works.

But hey, when the entry is only a sentence (3rd and 4th pic), it’s an excellent (and native) translation. Not bad, not at all.

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