
I have used the data provided on this site. Unfortunately, it is all images.


are these two Files the same dictionary?

日本語表現文型辞典.mdx (1.9 MB)
日本語表現文型辞典.mdd (9.3 MB)

日本語表現文型辞典.css (7.6 KB)

this is a multi-language mdx file.
you could delete the other translations if you want

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I had to double-check as well, but this is a completely different dictionary!
The one you posted is this one:


Like to have a functional grammar dictionary, but the result page overflows, is this normal?


I don’t know very much html/css but I googled for 5 minutes and came up with this:

img {
	object-fit: contain;
	max-width: 100%;

The css file in the original post has also been updated. Thank you very much for pointing this out!

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Now it shows everything perfectly. It was like a dream to have this dictionary on GD:

Come to think, itazuraneko have a bigger grammar DB, are you considering converting the rest of dicts into GD format?
Dictionary in the red rectangle is the one you converted btw.

This dictionary also have the same problem Epistularum had, images overflow from the result page margins:

Unfortunately, the .css file has a ton of data, and the image area is super huge. Not sure what has to be changed in order to fix this problem:

どんなときどう使う is already available like you said (I’ll try to take a look at the css).

I would also like to convert the AdoJG series but this is too complex for me.

As for the dict I just shared, there is someone working on a text version right now but it might take a while.


So, where are these AdoJG dictionaries available for download? I mean, the video entry is for sure one of them, but are they only for mobile platforms? Why would you convert them if they already exist? Sorry if i’ve lost the point, but i don’t get it.
Personally, i don’t like the fancy formatting it has. So many colors and effects for me, perhaps because i’ve been already absorbed by the classic paper-like format of traditional dictionaries.

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The video I sent you is not ADoJG, it is the same dictionary I shared in this thread. Someone is currently converting it to text. What you are seeing is user made. As for the design, it’s just CSS. It can be changed.

Concerning ADoJG you can scrape the site, there is also a linked anki deck that can be converted.

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I see, sorry for the misunderstanding. It truly is a big work to convert an image to not only text, but also into that exquisite and detailed format.


It looks amazing! Where can find the guy who working on the text version?

It is a user on #join:g33k.se in matrix. He told that it is going to take a full year. I don’t think he has the will to finish the project (he just started).

Ri Ben Yu Wen Xing Ci Dian Ying Yu Ban - - gurupuziyamasii.epub (2.1 MB)
i found this epub ver on zlib